
What is a Mind.When it reach its last stage means finish?

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What is a Mind.When it reach its last stage means finish?




  1. A mind, ----is a terrible thing to waste.

  2. Mind is a definition which tries to rescue the essence of man. The essence of a person arises from the existence of mental functions which permit him or her to think and to perceive, to love and to hate, to learn and to remember, to solve problems, to communicate through speech and writing, to create and to destroy civilizations. These expressions are closely related with brain functioning. Therefore, without the brain, the mind cannot exist, without the behavioral manifestation, the mind cannot be expressed.

    Spirit and soul seem to be religious and metaphysical interpretations of the mind. Neuroscience has understood the brain and the mind as a result of experimental investigation. Acceptance or rejection of the existence of the spirit and soul depends on faith and religious conviction, which cannot be proved or disproved by experimental methods. It seems to be more coherent to think that beliefs are dependent on physiological activity of the brain and of our cultural environment. We cannot have religious concepts if we do not have a functioning brain (e.g., as when the brain activity is blocked by coma or deep anesthesia) and we cannot believe in things which we do not learn, hear, or experience. It is not impossible to think that some people can "learn" to believe in the existence of God, life after death and supernatural forces because the brain is provided with emotional centers in order to satisfy psychological needs.

    I believe that it does not have any end. Because I believe the life here and here after, we will rewarted or punished for our deeds and stayed for ever hereafter.

  3. First of all I'm a Buddhist.

    And you may know that Buddhism is all about the behaviour of the mind. Mind is a sort of energy. It's location is not yet found and by finding it we gain no advantage. But many psychologists say that the mind is located in the brain and some say it is in the heart. But where ever it is located the mind is the strong energy which controls our body. Mind is the energy which controls all our actions. Just think, though you believe you are controlling your actions, don't you think before you do something.That's why mind become the force which controls our body. That's a very little description of the mind. In Buddhism it's a very broad section. In Buddhism the main intention is to control our mind. That's what meditation does. We try to control our mind purely because it can manipulate us to do bad things as well as good things. So it is best you have a control.

    Your next question refers to rebirth or reincarnation. We believe in rebirth. But it's not the same rebirth which other religions describes. Answering to your question, mind does not travel to the next birth. It's only the bad and good things you gathered (karma) decides your next birth. If you haven't gathered anything or in other words if you have controlled your mind completely you rebirth comes to an end. And in the last 3000 years only one person has been able to do it . It's Lord Buddha or the Enlightened One.

    I hope this gives you the view of a Buddhist quite discriptively.

  4. mind is mind

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