
What is a Myrtle tree?

by Guest67124  |  earlier

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A name that I found (Hadasah) means Myrtle tree, but what is a Myrtle tree? And what is the deeper meaning of Hadasah, is this tree strong or prety? And what kind of seed dos it grow, dos it grow flowers or frute? PS sorry about any wrong spelling.




  1. The Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native to southern Europe and north Africa. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees, growing to 5 m tall. The leaves are entire, 3-5 cm long, with a pleasantly fragrant essential oil. The star-like flowers have five petals and sepals, and an amazingly large number of stamens. Petals are usually white, with globose blue-black berries containing several seeds. The flowers are pollinated by insects, and the seeds dispersed by birds that feed on the berries.

    The Common Myrtle Myrtus communis, is widespread in the Mediterranean region and is also by far the most commonly cultivated. It was sacred to Aphrodite. The other species, Saharan Myrtle M. nivellei, is restricted to the Tassili n'Ajjer mountains in southern Algeria and the Tibesti Mountains in Chad, where it occurs in small areas of sparse relict woodland near the centre of the Sahara Desert; it is listed as an endangered species. However, some botanists are not convinced that M. nivellei is sufficiently distinct to be treated as a separate species.

    There is a bunch more at the link.

  2. One possible answer is the Myrtlewood tree.  It grows on the southern Oregon coast, near Coos Bay.  Its wood is extremely dense and hard, and it can be used to make dishes (bowls, cups, ash-trays, etc.), the manufacture of which is a bit of a cottage industry in that area.  But I also suspect your reference is to something of a more Biblical nature, about which I have no information.  Good luck!
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