
What is a N!99A?

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What is a N!99A?




  1. Another offensive word for the other word

  2. In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context.[1] Presently, the word ***** is used more liberally among younger members[2] of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and hostile, even when used without intentional prejudice. In addition to African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Latin Americans and European Americans [3][4] have adopted the term as part of their vernacular.

    There is conflicting popular opinion on whether there is any meaningful difference between ***** and ****** as a spoken term.[5] Many people consider the terms to be equally pejorative, and the use of ***** both in and outside African American communities remains controversial.[6] H. Lewis Smith, author of Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Affair with the N-word, believes that "replacing the 'er' with an 'a' changes nothing other than the pronunciation"[7] and the African American Registry notes, "Brother (Brotha) and Sister (Sistah or Sista) are terms of endearment. ****** was and still is a word of disrespect." [8] The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a civil rights group, condemns use of both ***** and ******.[5]

    Some African-Americans express considerable offense when referred to as a ***** by Caucasian people, but not if they are called the same by other African-Americans, or by some other minority, as a term of endearment.[5] In this case, the term may be seen either as a symbol of brotherhood,[9] similar to the usage of the words dude and bro and its use outside a defined social group an unwelcome cultural appropriation. Critics have derided this as a double standard.[3]

    Cultural influence

    Ice Cube, in his song Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It, says he "heard ***** back in 1971." The term "*****, please", first used in the 1970s by comics such as Paul Mooney as "a funny punctuation in jokes about Blacks,"[10] is now heard routinely in comedy routines by African Americans. The growing use of the term is often attributed to its ubiquity in modern American hip hop music.[11][12] Examples include: hip-hop group ****** With Attitude (N.W.A.), Notorious B.I.G.'s song, The Realest ******, The Geto Boys' Real ***** ****, Jay-Z's Jigga That ***** and Snoop Dogg's For All My ****** And b*****s. Ol' Dirty b*****d uses the term 76 times in his ***** Please album (not including repetitions in choruses). [12] This is reflected in the term's wide use in modern American gang culture. According to a Texas Monthly article about Houston gangs, many Hispanic street gang members call each other ****** [13].

    However, its use has spread beyond north America. The Portuguese comedy show, Gato Fedorento, uses the word ***** in an audio sketch, where the four individuals say they are ****** ("I'm *****, *****; are you *****, *****?"), and end up admitting that they do not know what ***** means, although "people say it's amazing". Da Weasel, later sang a song named ***** in Gato Fedorento's last episode of season 5.

    Chris Rock had a routine ****** vs. Black People that distinguished a *****, which he defined as a "low-expectation-having ************", from a "black person". In contrast, Tupac Shakur defined ***** as an acronym: "Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished" in the lyrics to his song Words of Wisdom, on his 1991 album 2Pacalypse Now. It later served as a title of a track on his posthumous 2004 album Loyal to the Game. In an interview in the documentary Tupac: Resurrection, Shakur further distinguished between ****** and *****:

    “ "******* was the ones on the rope, hanging off the thing; ****** is the ones with gold ropes, hanging out at clubs." ”

    In 1995, two Houston, Texas men filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the words "Naturally Intelligent God Gifted Africans", and its acronym. The application was rejected, as were numerous subsequent applications for variations of the word *****. Most recently, comedian Damon Wayans twice attempted to trademark a brand name called *****, "featuring clothing, books, music and general merchandise".[11] The Trademark Office refused the application, stating "the very fact that debate is ongoing regarding in-[ethnic]-group usage, shows that a substantial composite of African Americans find the term '*****' to be offensive
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