
What is a Neocon two people just called me Neocons?

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Is that Neonatzi conservative. Before they call names they need to speak with the person asking the questions

My ancestors of mixed backgrounds fled Europe during the persecutions by the Natzis.

What a stupid insult I was just asking about it.




  1. Neo-Conservative is not related to n**i-ism, it pretty much lables someone as an adheret to and a believer in hte poilicies of George W Bush.  Not just having to do with the war but the eceonomy etc.

    As with any lable it can be used for name calling and insults, when it loses its relationship to it' sdefeiniton, it can be applied to anyone someone doesn't like.

  2. just say you have me mixed up with someone else.or say nothing at all.dont talk to strangers.

  3. These were all good answers. Neocon literally means New Conservative. I believe 90% of the people who call others Neocons think they're cleverly insulting you (Neo-n**i for example) without knowing what it really means.

  4. Neocon, or Neoconservatism is not related to Nazism or fascism in general.   It is a term that refers to a specific set of political views that generally favour tradition and in general, Neocons tend to support the 2003 Invasion of Iraq and similar U.S. foreign policy, while differing more on domestic policy.

    Edited to add:  If you want to know more about this, you might want to post your question in the politics forum.

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