
What is a Quiji board used for and how do you use it?

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I walked out in my garadge to get a sleeping bag, and there it was just sitting there, I have no idea how it got there.!




  1. 1st - Place the board upon the knees of two persons, lady and gentleman preferred. Place heart shaped table in center of board, resting fingers lightly upon the table so as to allow it to move freely and easily. A question may be asked, and in from one to five minutes the table will commence to move, at first slowly, and then faster. As the table passes over the board, a transparent window and pointer in the top indicates each letter of a message as it is received.

    2nd - Care should be taken that only one person ask questions at a time so as to avoid confusion.

    3rd - To obtain the best results it is important that the person present should concentrate upon the matter in question and avoid other topics. Have no one at the table who will not sit seriously and respectfully. If you use it in a frivolous spirit, asking ridiculous questions, laughing over it, you naturally get undeveloped influences around you.

    4th - The Ouija is a great mystery, and none claim to give exact directions for it's management and use, and the Ouija will not work equally well under all circumstances. With reasonable patience and judgement the Ouija will satisfy your greatest expectations.

    5th - The board should be kept smooth and free from dust and moisture, as all depends on the ease with which the feet of the table can glide over the surface of the board. Rubbing with a soft dry cloth just before using is advised.

    Here are a few time honored BlackRaven suggestions:

    Have a 3rd person act as the scribe. Many times the letters and numbers spelled out will make no sense at the time. By using a 3rd participant, or a tape recorder, you will be able to go back over your session at any time.

    Use your Ouija at night. Is it the darkness that helps set the mood? Who knows! It just seems to work a lot better.

    Feel uncomfortable with any information that you are receiving? Tell the "messenger" to leave! Use a strong clear voice and banish the troublemaker. Most "spirits" are bored silly, and will do ANYTHING to attract your attention.

    Always Ask for information from the board. Never Tell the talking board what you want. How would you respond to a demand instead of a polite request?

    Planchette won't move? Begin again by making slow circles on the Ouija and the "spirits" will usually take it from there!

    There is no such thing as a 'broken' Ouija board. Are you serious about your intent? Are you using the board with someone who is giggling and/or not concentrating? All of these things will inhibit your enjoyment and results.

    If you're really scared then here's the best advice: Put the Ouija Board Away

    So, you have your new Ouija or talking board. Now what?

    Here are some suggestions:

    Wipe your board clean with a soft cloth

    Smudge your board with a sage bundle or any purifying incense (like rosemary). Smudging is the Native American equivalent of a "smoke bath".

    Light a white candle.

    State, in a clear strong voice, that no negative or harmful energies be attracted to your Ouija Board. Tell any negative forces present that they are now banished and dismissed.

    Some people believe that saying a prayer (The Lord's Prayer seems to be popular) prior to using the board is beneficial. Ask for a helpful and positive entity to make itself known to you

    You can use a Ouija or talking board by yourself. Some people are simply unable to get results when working with the board alone.

    In fact, you do not need to do any of the above. All of the suggestions are just that. Suggestions.

    Ouija boards DO work.

    They will NOT bring evil spirits or bad luck into your life.

    Unless of course, you really believe that they will...

    Ouija boards are not the tool of the devil. I'm sure that Satan has better things to do then hang around your Ouija board.

    Besides, everyone knows that the tool of Satan is a Phillips Screwdriver...

  2. You still ask questions and everyone moves this pointer around, tugging it from each other and you spell out the answer you want.  If you want real answers, try a different source other than a board game.

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