
What is a RSS feed on your 360 page?

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What is a RSS feed on your 360 page?




  1. RSS is a standard format for syndicating content on the Internet. The content can be anything! Often information contained in an RSS feed is syndicated on other sites which expands its reach.

    Website visitors love RSS because they choose which feeds they wish to subscribe to, if at any point they are unhapy with the content contained in the RSS feed they simply unsubscribe and no longer receive notification of feed updates.

    RSS is really a win, win for both subscribers and publishers.

    In order to get a better understanding of how RSS works download an RSS reader or use a web aggregator and subscribe to an RSS feed (they are usually indicated by a small orange icon).

  2. In terms of your 360 space, the general help page has a description and instructions at . Then, the Yahoo team's blog has posts on the subject at and . Even more information is available at  .

    There are URLs - which are just addresses to web pages. Then, there are RSS feeds which you can add to your 360 using an RSS-specific URL.

    WARNING: Getting the feed links to be accepted without an error can take SEVERAL tries. No kidding, even if you have the correct URL. The module is buggy. But I have eventually been successful in every feed that I've tried to add (see ). Clearing my browser's cookies and cache & refreshing the page a few times in between adding links might have helped. I have not made adjustments the RSS module lately though.

    Yet even if you do add a link successfully, Yahoo is no longer updating the feature regularly, so it MAY take MONTHS for it to show up on your 360. You could put the links in the module and wait forever for them to be activated AND/OR you can embed an RSS widget in a blog entry.


    - Go to any the site that you want to get the feed from. Look for the "RSS or XML" link or orange RSS button (okay, sometimes it's a different color). A RSS file will come up on the next page. (If the page looks like raw code, but don't let it scare you! You don't have to subscribe to the feed, you just need to copy that page's URL). If you don't see an RSS button displayed in the blog area, then there's no RSS capabilities for that blog.

    - To add the RSS URL to your Yahoo! 360° Feeds module, click on the "XML/RSS" button, select the URL found in the address bar of your browser, then use "Ctrl-C" on your keyboard to copy that address.

    - Click the "Add a Feed (via RSS)" or "Edit Feeds" link in your Feeds module on your "My Page" in 360. Use "Ctrl-V" to paste the URL into the "Add a feed" space in that page. Make sure to adjust the permissions for the Feeds module to something other than "Just Me (Private)".

    - When you're done, click the "Save" button below.

    NOTE: The Y!360 team is no longer addressing bug reports, as it prepares to launch a new social-networking system in the second half of 2008. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space. See more about Yahoo! 360 glitches here: .

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