
What is a SAG Franchised Agent?

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I don't know what this is, can you please explain as detail as possible. Please also tell me what an AFTRA franchised agent is? And what do I have to do to get one?




  1. I'll agree IN PART with answer # 1, but cannot say MESSY is accurate at all. A sense of YOUR security might be more accurate, even if seemingly more tedious.

      I also may not explain in much detail but to say, "In a political sense they likely "HOLD HANDS", but RISK factors in your being a "Victim" are greatly reduced.

      In the most BASE sense, they are agents and agencies, recognized and affiliated with those ORGS. , that largely control the CRAFTS. Does that suggest any negative connotations? I suspect not. If you drove an over the road Truck, might you still not be expected to be a MEMBER of some org. governing more than just taking your $$$ for dues?

      GETTING one is as easy as a general search in the WWW, inquiring about those who are affiliated, recognized as legit, and IF they aren't, then leave them alone. IF they ARE, then certainly connecting with the ORG. for any disputes, allows one, some representation. EX: YOU, come to me, "Stevens Agency". I am NOT affiliated, but still promise you. While not morally, ethically, or even legally allowed to CHARGE you upfront $$$, I may also not care very much, about getting work for you. Certainly I make money on a commission basis related to what YOU make, but I might have other IRONS in the fire, not be regulated, or even known CRAFT WIDE, and leave your STUFF on the bottom of a Stack of others, STUFF.

       YES there are many NON affilated actors, production crews, etc. and in some states such as mine, FL. they may be allowed to Co-exist on a SET, while having to endure some restrictive issues.

  2. SAG is the Screen Actors Guild. It is the union that represents most of the talent that appears in movies and television shows.

    AFTRA is the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. It is another union that mostly represents voice actors and show hosts. There's a lot of overlap. They tried to merge a few years ago, but the membership shot it down.

    Agents who represent members of SAG and AFTRA have to be franchised by the unions to do so. This basically means they won't push non-union actors and will abide by all of the many, many rules and regulations the unions impose on producers.

    To get one of these agents to represent you, you either need to be a member of one of the unions - or eligible to join. It can be a real Catch 22. You have to be a member of the union to get a job and the only way to join the union is by working on a union job. So basically you have to find someone willing to hire you and be willing to join the union in order to take the job.

    It's messy.

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