
What is a Semitic Tribe and what is an Aryan Nation ?

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What is a Semitic Tribe and what is an Aryan Nation ?




  1. The term "Semitic" is most often used in our culture to indicate Jews (as in the term "anti-semitic" which really means anti-Jewish).  However, the Semitic language family also includes Arabic, Aramaic, and other languages of the Middle East and North Africa.  All of these are properly referred to as Semitic peoples.

    Classically the term "Semitic" means someone descended from Shem, the son of Noah.  Both the Jews and the Arabs fall into this category according to the bible, along with others.

    "Aryan" technically referrs to a racial group that conquered India a long, long time ago.  The word Aryan comes from Sanskrit, and means "noble."

    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the term Aryan came to represent Indo-European speakers as a whole, and became representative of the "white" race.  Since the Swastika was a popular symbol amongst ancient Aryans it became the emblem of Hitler and the n**i regime.

    The "Aryan Nations" are an international white supremacist organization that was founded in the 1970s and is affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan.  They have been responsible for many criminal acts in the US.  Fortunately they have split into several factions and seem to be in decline now.

  2. I believe that this was the terms that the n***s used during the third Reich. An Aryan nation according to Hitler is the supreme race... the master race. The semitic tribe (Jews, etc) according to him is meant to be under the rule of the Aryan race. Since Semites are  impure (according to Hitler's philosophy.) he used this reason to justify the genocide.

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