
What is a Speech class for?

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We are doing A Beka homeschooling and I would like to know what a Speech class is for? Would it help people that are shy even if you are homeschooling with it? Has anyone ever done a speech class with A Beka? Thanks!




  1. Speech class can be two things, it can be speech therapy like others have said, or it can be more of a public speaking class.

    I *think* Abeka's is the latter; a public speaking class.  If I am correct it would teach you how to write and give an effective speech, teach you the importance of your body language and eye contact while giving the speech, etc.

    If you could provide a link to the book used in the class, I could be more complete in my answer.


    Okay, I took out my A Beka Catalog and looked, it is basically a communications skills and public speaking course.  You practice every day comminication such as telephone courtesy, and introductions, and you also practice public speaking such as giving your personal testimony, participating in group discussions, parliamentary procedure, pantomime (which is communication, but not really speech), monologues, poetry readings, and storytelling.

    It actually sounds like something I might have my daughter complete now that I've read the description.

  2. no it is for people that have trouble speaking.

    more with talking. it is not for people that are shy (i guess it could be)

    I used to have trouble with my R sound and I went to a speech class. I also had a stuttering problem and I went to a speech class.

    I took my classes at the public schools

  3. i think its 2 improve ur english. so its like for forigners to lose their accent and make their speech more audible. its also for people with a speech inpediment

  4. Speech class helps if you have a lisp, or general issues talking. It helps with providing phonics and ways to remember how to pronounce things. I don't quite think that it's for helping kids step outside their comfort zone...

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