
What is a Spirit Guide?

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I know Guardian angels, but who are Spirit Guides? Are they nothing but another name for Angels are a different kind of Higher Dimensional beings from God?




  1. Yes they are called stars!!!

  2. Spirit guides are demonic.

  3. a Spirit Guide is a main guide who has helped us every step of the way through our life.

    Spirit guides are souls that have lived on Earth before. You may have known them in the past life, or not. A spirit guide will help you with the path you have chosen to take in this life, and with the lessons you need to learn. You can have more than one guide at a time, depending on what situations you are encountering in your life, but you will have one main guide throughout your entire life.

    Both guardian angels and spirit guides are a gift God has given us here on our journey.



    gh0stly -

    no, they're not the same beings. Guardian angels never lived the life on Earth. They also help direct us, and be our guides when needed. Their love for God is reflected in their service to us. They protect us, guide us, and comfort us. But they are not the same as spirit guides, because they never lived on Earth.


  4. No such thing.

  5. I suspect different people depending on their system of belief use the term differently. I have included a link below that offers some explanation.

    Regarding the ignorant and intolerant YA skeptics that harass you about posting here and not in religion please ignore them. The first step in science is defining what is to be studied and that is what your question addresses.


  6. How come you people don't post this stuff over in the Religion and Spirituality room WHERE IT BELONGS?!?


    So if your religious beliefs are BASED on the paranormal, they why do people in your circle (meaning the religious folk) always feel the need to criticize those posters that don't agree with your beliefs?

    There are some people in here that try to find the obvious reasoning behind something, instead of basing it off of some religious tom-foolery.

  7. Native Americans, Wiccans and other belief systems say spirit guide. Catholics and some Christians say Angels.

    Same meaning, different beliefs.

  8. I wonder why you ask this question.  Not many people can give you a good or satisfactory answer for the very fact that they have no experience whatsoever with spirit guides.  However, my suspicion is that spirit guides are assigned to more developed souls among us who have been born of the spirit.

  9. a spirit guide is an inner guidence that allows you to feel comfortable with your surroundings. they could be an angel or spirit, whatever. i think its more our ability to connect with ourselves and with the "other realm". i'm not sure, but i think everyone has atleast one spirit guide. its all wierd, but cool at the same time. lol

  10. My understanding & knowledge of them are this.

    Spritit Guides can come in many forms, such as human like or animals.  They are not angles.  I was once told they are closer to being earth bound in a sense.

    Spirit Guides are beings that are to guide you thru life & difficult times.  They are there to protect you (hopefully) from going in the wrong path in life.

    Most people are not even aware that they are there, but some are.

    With the right meditation, you may be able to contact yours.


    Spritit Guides are a form of Paranormal, so YES, feel free to ask away here.


  11. Spirit Guides are usually other beings who have incarnated as humans before. They are just like us accept they are not incarnated while they are your guide. They may or may not incarnate again on earth but generally they have incarnated at least once before. They are fit to help guide you because they know what it is like to be here and they are not currently incarnated. They are essentially residing in their light body in higher dimensions and so they have a much broader view of reality. They are not distorted by the astral body and chitta so they can communicate with many levels, beings and dimensions clearly and with ease.

    They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. They are in contact with your own higher self and they know your purpose for incarnating on earth. They know a lot about you and your future and will help in whatever way they can for your highest good. However they cannot help you if you do not want them to or if what you ask is against your higher self's purpose. All beings in higher dimensions respect your free will and it is a rule that they may not impinge upon it. If you ask them to help you they will certainly do all that they can (as long as what you ask for is within your highest good).

    What Is A Spirit Guide?

    According to theosophical doctrine, spirit guides are persons who have lived many former lifetimes, paid their karmic debts, and advanced beyond a need to reincarnate. Each is assigned to watch over an incarnate person, not only on this Earth, but on many other planets throughout the universe. Many psychics believe that spirit guides are chosen on "the other side" by us and God(s) before we incarnate and that they guide us to follow our life's plan because we want them to.

    Some people[attribution needed] claim it is possible to meet one's spirit guide in dreams or on the astral plane (see Astral Projection). Their guidance is said not to require mediumship. This is the "Dream Guide."

    Who Is A Spirit Guide?

    The Gnostic religious view of a spirit guide is that, on the other side, you and your guide planned your life on earth before you incarnated. You live the life and your spirit guide helps you along the way. Thus, if this is the case, everyone has a spirit guide because everyone planned their life prior to being born. Therefore, the spirit guide couldn't be a living relative or an animal, but could present itself as such. Furthermore, a guide is said to have lived at least one earthly life before becoming a spirit guide so that they can understand the struggles of human life.

  12. Spirit guides and angels are sent from the other side by God to help, guide, protect, encourage, and comfort.

    We all have more than one spirit guide, different ones come at a different time of our spiritual growth. Some one we were very close to, someone we trusted, who agreed to be our constant, vigilant companion, and help mate when we made the choice to experience another lifetime on earth. All spirit guides spent at least one time here, so they are able to empathize with the problems, fears, temptations, and frailties inevitable in the human world.

    Spirit guides can be a ancestor or someone you've shared a past life with.

    My spirit guide is a woman name Erica, she was my guide in another past life. Although, I knew her before that time, we were companions. I know these things because she gives me her memories of us together in dream form. I know she's real, because I seen her wide awake many times, and she answers some of my questions. Spirit guides communicate in many ways, speak out loud, whisper, telepathy, through dreams, channel, and memories.

    Usually if you can see them, they look like spirits, grayish to completely white, or white shadow with a glow, some detail. They are from a higher dimension, but I can feel when she holds my hand, rubs my back, even hugs, and they are very compasionate.

    My giude usually always comes either when I pray to God, and ask for her, or when my spirit feels hurt. Basically spirit guides are always there with you, but when they make themselves known, by touch, or vision or'll know when they connect with one of your senses.

  13. I cannt understand why some people say to ask these questions about spirit guides in has nothing to do with

    If a spirit guide appears infront of a person, then whats the difference between a spirit guide and just a spirit, they just have different agendas....same thing different cause.... its still falls under paranormal.....and yes sprit guides are there to guide us through situations in life, and are always there......They can come in many forms, and usually are a family member who has passed away from long ago, and are keeping their eye on loved ones......

  14. Universal...Amen to all you said!! I'm confused about it too. I don't see how anybody knows if it's an angel or spirit guide or family member..or one of the bad guys. That's why I'm glad they're all leaving me alone now. I do miss them...but I don't want to be tricked or deceived again. I do hope that at least a guardian angel is hanging around me..and my family....but I'm not sure I'd want to see them . I wouldn't be able to believe they were my guardian angel. I don't trust any spirits etc. anymore.  And I don't see how anyone could believe in church and not believe in the paranormal.

  15. They are imaginary friends for people who can't cope with reality.   Mine is a cross between Popeye the Sailor and an orca.  He wears a porkpie hat, and can fly, but only underwater.  Now, that I  think about it, I guess it's just swimming.... not all that impressive when he's half orca.  And I'm not around water all that much for it to even come up.

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