
What is a Teacher SPED Resource?

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What is a Teacher SPED Resource? This is a whole job description.




  1. 1. Take notes in the mainstream classes for students

    2. Give students extra time on tests and asignments

    3. Read tests and asingments to students

    4. Allow one on one testing

    5. Give breaks to students during tests and asingments

    6. Break tests and asingments up into parts

    7. Pulled out of mainstream class for tests

    8. Allow students to record lectures

    9. Small group for testing when apropite

    10. Provide an aide to students who need one

    11. Provide adapted PE for students who cant do reglar PE

    12. Provide asistance to students in the restroom when needed

    13. Walk students to each class when needed

    14. Provide students with speech, ocupational, and pyhiscal therapy when needed

    15. Exclude the student from state wide tests when needed

    16. Make alternate asignments when needed

    17. Provide student one on one time when asked by the student

    18. Arrange IEP meetings

    19. Keep in close contact with students parents and other teachers

    21. Help dress the student when needed

    22. Help clean the student when needed

    23. Always be there for the student

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