
What is a Teeter Test (blood test) ???

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What is a teeter test? I know it can check to see if you have had some of your immunuzations, but can it identify which ones you have had and which ones you havent? I cannot find my shot records and my Paramedic school wants proof. I was told that if I cant find it then I would have to 1. Repeat all of my shots. or, 2. get a teeter test done to see which shots I have already recieved. How come when I called my PCP, he had no idea what this test was, or where to get one done.




  1. When we have a vaccination, like Mumps, our immune system reacts. The immune system then makes antibodies, which we keep for life and protect us from succumbing to mumps. Therefore if we live in a Village where ever single person is struck down by Mumps, we might fall ill, but we should not get full blown mumps because we have been vaccinated. So as we go through life and we build up all the vaccinations, we have antibodies on our Lymphocytes.

    Antibody titer is a laboratory test that measures the presence and amount of antibodies in blood. The antibody level in the blood is a reflection of past exposure to an antigen or to something that the body does not recognize as belonging to itself. The body uses antibodies to attack and remove foreign substances.

    That is the test you need a Antibody Titer! Best of Luck

  2. Hon, its not a teeter test, but rather an antibody titer.  A cumulative evaluation of blood levels (usually done for autoimmune disorder screening).  However, I don't believe a titer can reveal which immunizations you've received.  That is why your primary doctor had no idea what you were talking about.   Sorry, but you will have to find some other way to verify your immunization records.  What abt contacting the pediatrician you saw as a child?  Usually they keep accurate records of such things.

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