
What is a Zoologist quality of living?

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Do zoologist live comfotably?Could i have a few kids and a house and live comfortably?





  1. Most of them don't make that much money.  You have to get a PHd to consider making a living.

  2. what an odd question....i dont quite understand? elaborate?

  3. i too am interested in being a zoologist and they make around 40,000 to 30,000 a year. the normal cost of a family is 40,000. so if you have a husband  that was employed then you could live somewhat comfortably but don't expect to be amazingly rich with a mansion and all that but when it all comes down to it money really doesn't matter and the most important thing is to enjoy what you do for a living. here is a site that tell you about different jobs and the pay.

  4. It can depend on a number of factors...where you live, how high of a degree you get, experience you earn, and who you work for.  Sure, I would say you can make a living doing it..but you will not get rich doing it.

  5. A definite maybe. Zoologists' salaries vary all over the place. So do housing costs and what people think is "comfortable". Don't become a zoologist for the money.

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