
What is a audio transducer used for?????

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  1. This device is used to a bass vibration to your system. Often they are mounted to or under a chair or sofa, or possibly even the floor.

    They can help the impact of bass if used sanely or rattle yer brain bucket if not!

  2. Also known as a tactile transducer or a butt-kicker. It shakes things with the bass to give the illusion of more bass and greater immersion into the movie or music. Attach it to a sofa or a raised floor and it will shake along with the lower frequencies. It is fed by the subwoofer signal.

  3. Those guys are right, but more technically, a transducer is anything that changes one form of energy to another e.g. a microphone is a transducer that converts acoustic energy to electrical energy. In this case electrical energy is being transduced into mechanical energy.

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