
What is a back up hard drive?

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and how do I create one? My computer only has one called "Local Disk (C:) that has 74.5 GB. If that happens to crash, then am I busted? and if I have a back up disk and that one happens to crash, then will my things be saved??




  1. Just get an external hard drive that connects to the USB port. They come in all price ranges. It is best to back up to an external anyhow because that way if the primary bits the dust you have something to start from.

  2. A backup hard drive is good when you want to save stuff like-pictures,movies,music, etc.That is a second hard drive in your computer or a external one..Also good to have when your "C" drive has viruses and you have to reinstall your systems .

    If your computer crashes and your second hard drive-you are out of luck.But when does that happen.

    Question ? Du you have copies of your photo albums in case your house burns down? No.

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