
What is a backyard breeder?

by  |  earlier

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i really dont know what one is I have never bought a dog from a breeder or a petstore i have always went to the pound or have taken in abused puppys





  1. Back yard breeder is someone who doesn't get their unregistered mutt or purebred fixed and suddenly they find it's pregnant.  Or someone who simply breeds for profit without knowing anything about the breed.  Dogs who are not really show quality or don't come from great show dog lines.  Mostly someone who has a cute dog and they want cute puppies.  Someone who is not a registered breeder with the AKC who isn't trying to better the breed merely trying to make a buck.  Basically all the people who advertise puppies for sale in your local classified papers.

  2. A back yard breeder is kind of a catchall phrase for a breeder who breeds dogs in all the wrong ways by doing any one (or more) of the following:

    Breeding females under age, breeding them every cycle, not testing eyes, hips, and other genetic traits for diseases, breeding males without testing eyes, hips, and other genetic traits for diseases, breeding mutts, breeding designer dogs, breeding because their dog is "cute", breeding an unstructurally sound dog, breeding for profit, breeding dogs who haven't proven themselves in the field, or ring, breeding for miniatures sizes, breeding ANYTHING with a poodle and calling it "hypoallergenic"...

    And, I'm sure there's more, but I'm depressed now.

  3. idk but i think it's breeders who breed dogs for their puppy and sell puppies for sale to make money




    it's not about yorkies just check it out

    perfect answer for your question


    they dont allow copy/paste :P

  5. The "backyard" breeder is a term used for someone who does not run a professional breeding facility.  They will breed anything and everything that they can make money with. They don't check to be sure their parents are healthy and without genetic flaws.  The dogs often are pregnant again before they recover from the last litter. The puppies are often unhealthy and with genetic health problems.  

    I don't consider people who accidental have a litter a "backyard" breeder. but they should be more responsible and neuter their animals. If you are not part of the solution then don't be a part of the problem.

    A good breeder will not breed a dog with a genetic defect and pass on that defect. They want puppies that are as healthy as they can be and pass on only good genes.

    When people buy the puppies from a "backyard" breeder it just fuels their budgets and helps them to continue.  Plus it produces more dogs that are ill and have genetic health problems.  More dogs for the shelters to try to home or to destroy.  And believe me no one at the shelter enjoys putting down the dogs.  

  6. It is a breeder that is not reputable I believe.

    It's great that you get your dos from the pound! You help those poor animals that may never find homes.

  7. A BYB is someone who breeds solely for profit. They are not involved in the canine world...don't show or work their dogs, have no true experience with the breed, and produce sub-par specimens that are not true to the standard (often breed designer mutts).

    The kicker? They charge a fortune and prey on the undereducated public. Here's more info:

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