
What is a barbituous kind of drug?

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did I spell that right? found in my friends drug test thanks:)




  1. They are habit forming and potentially dangerous

  2. AZ R already answered your question.  They are still part of a standard urine drug screen when people come to ER in a confused state and we don't know what they may have taken

    It's quite rare to find anybody on them anymore, so I would question what your friend was doing with them.  They are a very dangerous drug of abuse and associated with lots of dead celebrities (Marilyn Munroe, Jimi Hendrix)

  3. The barbiturates (I know, not pronounced like it's spelled) are an older kind of tranquilizer drug. They were used for sleep and seizure control in the late fifties before the benzodiazepines caught on (like Valium). Compared to the new valium-like drugs barbiturates are abusable much more easily, unlike Benzos you can kill yourself very easily with them, and play much less nicely with other drugs. In short, they were very dangerous and got put away because we have better things. They very rarely get pulled out for -severe- seizure disorders, the kind of epilepsies that can't be controlled with anything else.

    I find it rather disturbing that they even bothered to test for the drugs, they're so rare these days. Though one of the traditional rockstar overdose deaths is a barbiturate and alcohol.

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