
What is a better city? Cork or Dublin?

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What is a better city? Cork or Dublin?




  1. Cork is much nicer than Dublin, Dublin is in feel and character very much an English city still. Cork rocks, man! Lovely cafes, pubs, people .... forget Dublin!

  2. cork is better im from there the people are friendleir and dublin is all rush rush rush if you go to cape clear in cork and island its beatiful you wont want to leave

  3. Dublin is nicer aesthetically, but Cork has a nicer atmosphere

  4. You'll get very biased answers here. I way prefer Dublin, personally, but there's good and bad points about both.

  5. Cork.

    Dublin is S***.

  6. Come to Cork the REAL Capital of Ireland...

    @Roisin,You obviously know nothing about Cork people, I am from Cork and disagree with everything you say about us..

    I think your the hater...

  7. Hi there! theres no comparison,the better city id have to say is Cork,the people are exceptionally more laid back and far more friendly,even the drivers in Cork are courteous to visitors and will give you the time of day,whereas in Dublin they overtake ya on corners and hills and another work for parking in Dublin would have to be "abandonment of vehicle"  Great shopping,Clean streets,lovely people,sure wot more could ya want! Hope you enjoy the experience whichever city you decide upon!

  8. I'd say Cork is the nicer city.  Dublin,  wasn't all that nice when I went there not so long ago, but I adore Cork.  But Kerry rules!!!!

  9. i think Cork is better than Dublin the people are friendlier

  10. Dublin has more to do and is easily accessible (to airport and ferries), but Cork has more "charm."  The people in Cork are very friendly and sweet.  Dublin is more urban and rushed.  In sum, each city has their pros and cons.

  11. Cork is friendly... my backside. Are we talking about Cork, Co Cork here?

    Maybe they are friendly to other people from Cork.

    They hate the Welsh

    They hate the English

    They hate the Polish

    They hate people from Antrim

    They hate people from Armagh

    They hate people from Derry

    They hate people from Down

    They hate people from Donegal

    They hate people from the other 30 counties I haven't bothered to mention

    They hate people who can't understand the 5 Irish words they know, but they hate the culchies who understand more than they do.

    I went there for a hen night, and found it dickensian.

    Dublin on the other hand I love, but if you are coming for a holiday and want to experience some 'Irish culture', you may be a little disappointed. It is like any major city, there a lot of immigrants and so it has tended to adopt their ways a little more. Nothing wrong with that, unless you are looking to experience something that epitomises 'Irish living'.

    I would recommend two places that are really frriendly:

    Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal (English speaking area)

    Dingle, Co. Kerry (Irish speaking, but they all understand English and are friendly and happy enough to use it).

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