
What is a better degree to have, Business Adminstration or Accounting?

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What is a better degree to have, Business Adminstration or Accounting?




  1. Short answer: it depends.

    If you DEFINITELY want to be an accountant, get an accounting degree.  If you might want to be an accountant or don't want to be one, get a Bus Admin degree.

    BTW, if you have any interest at all in being an accountant, it is a field that is supremely short in qualified staff.  Money is good, the hours are bad, but you are basically guaranteed a job forever.

  2. Accounting is a better skill compared to business admin, unless you have a business to run or hope to run one soon. Most people study accounting to work for others. At least no risks involved when you work for someone, but you better do well in your studies, or you will be one of the many jobless after graduation.

  3. Accounting! It is a marketable skill and trade, You will always be able to find a job. Just look at all of the job postings out there. Business Admin. is very general. Most of my friends with that degree had a hard time finding jobs until they got an MBA and even then it just wasn't very specific. Accounting, Marketing, Economics are all better choices.  

  4. Luv is correct; the easy answer is Accounting, because the "real world" does not value knowledge, it values skill.  One of the biggest disasters of the late 20th century, and one of the most irresponsible acts of the boomer generation, is the nature of college.  Originally, the Greek philosophers who started the whole notion of college, meant it to be used exclusively by the elite.  That is why the structure of education is "universal," a leader, or someone destined to be of the citizen class, has to know a little bit of everything especially history.

    The concept of "universitas" was created in Rome for much the same reason, and for much of the history of the western world, through the dark ages, through the Rennaissance, it remained the norm until the time of the French revolution, and later on Napoleon Bonaparte.  Napoleon thought that education should be made available to everyone, as it was argued in France, it was symbolic of "power to the people."  However education was not structured to meet the needs of the poor, so Napoleon had to pretty much single handedly re-engineer it himself almost from scratch.

    What ends up happening is, that despite the skill oriented primary and secondary education nature of the first years of education, higher learning remained unchanged because it was bound by tradition.  Napoleon's system, was later copied by the rest of Europe and in time it reached America's shores.  Time passed yet again, and still, a system of education designed for the ruling elite, remained a structure of education for the ruling elite.  Meaning, you did not go to University to learn a skill or a trade, you went, to learn how to be a leader.  A country, can not have 50 million leaders now can it?

    See, therein lies the catastrophe caused by the boomers; corporations, many run by the boomers in the early 1980's, began demanding college degrees.  The truth is a college degree has zero relevance to a job in the services sector; what you need are office, english, and high school math skills but that's it.  The purpose of the college requirement, was to keep black people out, among others.  Later on east Asians started getting good marks, so to keep them out, colleges began requiring that high school grads also had sports marks, as well as academic, figuring only white people were "universally talented."  China, in humilaiting America very thoroughly and I will say amusingly in the gold medal race, is proving this notion wrong but moving on; consider the fact that the structure of education has always been designed, since ancient Greece, for the ruling class.

    Why learn to be a leader, if you are not placed in that position?  Do you see the racist bullcrap dumb@ssery of the boomers?  Do you see the catastrophic consequences it has had on the labor force?  It is better to learna  skill, than humanities at a University, because all degrees outside skill oriented ones, as far as the rest of us are concerned, as far as non politicians kids or Harvard legacies are concerned, humanities degrees are worthless.  Any degree that does not teach a skill is worthless.

    Time you woke up to the fact; stay with Accounting.

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