
What is a better hamster to own?

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A robo or a teddy?

what other hamsters are out there

that i can buy at the local pet-co that might be great pets,

not to fast not to lazy just normal and social?

wich will lay in my hand and not bite me hard?

any info will be great, 5 stars reward.

thanks a million!




  1. The most common are Golden, Teddy, and Dwarf hamsters, which you can purchase at any Meijer store (if you're in the north-eastern quadrant of the USA).  Otherwise, any Petco will have them, and much more (exotic).  I've had experience with the 3 mentioned above, and my personal favorite has always been the Dwarf hamster.  They're the smallest, fairly tame (expect them to bite until they get accustomed to you--wear gloves if you must), and easier to transport.  They are a little harder to catch due to their size, so it helps to build up on the familiarity factor early on, even if it results in some unwanted biting.

    Golden hamsters are middle-ground as far as size goes.  Nothing spectacular here, just the most common hamster you'll find. You can't go wrong with this pick.

    The Teddybear hamsters are certainly prettier than the average hamster, but can result in a lot more work.  They typically grow much larger than the average hamster (twice to 3x as big as a dwarf), and as such will require bigger living establishments, more food, and more cleaning.  The only Teddy hamster I had didn't much like me, so I can't speak for the temperament of the whole species.

    For a first, I'd go with either the Golden or Dwarf hamsters--they're easy to find, and easy to maintain.  If this is a hamster for a child, I'd recommend the dwarf just because they're easier to transport, clean, and feed.  When it comes down to it, all hamsters are extremely similar.  Fair warning--there's a big difference between biting and nibbling.  Even once a hamster gets to know you, it may still nibble at your fingers when you bring them in for a pickup.  Every single hamster is different--but dwarves do love to nibble, and the intent isn't to draw blood, nor does it hurt.  If a hamster is intent on biting you, you'll know--and they won't necessarily let go :D

  2. Do not get a robo, they are very hard to handle and make a better "looking at" pet. a teddy hamster would probably be best, only get one since they are unsocial animals. Plus teddy hamsters will always be tame, but if you dont handle a dwarf hamster enough they will become untame. I also like the cambells dwarf, they are nice

  3. Our son has a dwarf hamster and recommends them highly. They're so small you don't have to change the shavings in their enclosure as often (because what they deposit there is equally small), they eat less, and they outlive other hamsters on the average.

  4. A golden hamster. They are sweet and they never bite. yes you can buy them at a local pet store. they not that fat or anything

  5. I personally think that  a teddy hamster is better because there very nice and loving! and I don't think you want to get bitten by a robo hamster! I should know because I have a teddy bear hamster of my own.

  6. There are many breeds of hamsters.  There are... Syrian hamsters which can be many different colors including the Panda Bear hamster which is black and white.  Syrian hamsters normally range from about 6-7in in body length and can have a smooth or long coat.  They are the most common breed of hamsters sold in petstores.  Then you have the dwarf species.  Russian and Chinese.  They tend to be a little more aggressive than the syrian breeds.  They are much smaller and range from 3-5in. in length.  Unlike the syrian hamsters they do not come in many different colors.  Primarily a mousy brown with a dark stripe going down their backs and a white belly.  

    I would personally recommend a Syrian hamster.  I have one named Kevin and he is the sweetest hamster I have ever owned.  I bought him from a PetSuperMarket in Asheville, NC.  He has long creamish/orangish fur and he will sit on me while I watch TV.  He has never bitten me and he'll eat out of my hand.  He has enough energy that he will run around in his ball and play with me but he isn't hyper.  And he's not lazy either.  If he's sleeping when I open his cage, he'll come right out and play.  He's great!

    Good Luck! They're great pets!!!!

  7. teddy but they do try to exscape get a glass cage

  8. There are a lot of different hamsters out there. The two most common are dwarf hamsters and normal hamsters. A lot of other hamsters fall under those categories. From what your are asking though I would say a Syrian hamster. They are larger and aren't as fast moving as dwarfs. Dwarfs also have a tendency to bite more than normal hamsters. I have owned both and had two dwarfs, one was really mean, one was really nice. I now own two Syrian's, both are really nice and have never bitten me.

    Hope I helped!

  9. a syrian is the best hamster to fit your description. a teddybear, blackbear and golden hamster are all the same breed they are syrians only the different names are for different colours and coat types. they are the friendlist i have 1 and he has never bitten anybody they are easier to catch then dwarfs and chinese and robo. they are aslo easier to catch then other hamsters as they are not as hamster for children or people who have never had hamsters before. dwarfs only live between 1-2 but syrians live to 2-3 some can even live to 4. there are other breeds like Russian dwarfs, cambulls dwarf, winter white cambulls dwarf, chinese and roborobski  hope i helped

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