
What is a better lens than the kit lens for Rebel XTi/XSi?

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I have heard some negative things about the kit lens that comes with the Rebel XTi/XSi and so I am considering instead buying just the body on its own and then buying a lens that's better than the kit lens for daily use. I have a 75-300mm and a 28-90mm that I understand will work like 120-380 and 45-144 when mounted on digital, so because I don't need telephoto and I would like to keep the price reasonable (<$300), I am looking for something like 18-55mm (or wider, if possible for that price limit) that is of a higher quality... basically a good "walking around" lens that is better than the kit lens.




  1. Not to sure what the better lens is, I bought the kit from, and I know that they have great prices on the lenses as well, but I am just getting to know my camera before I start pouring money into lenses.

  2. There isnt anything that fits your price range, I suggest the Canon 50mm 1.8. Its inexpensive lens and its great ! Super good in low light and very fast. Worth the $90 its cost for sure.

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