
What is a better score: 30 ACT or 1990 SAT?

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both with writing




  1. ACT!

  2. Proportional math tells me that the ACT score is SLIGHTLY better than the SAT (just 10 points better, when converted.) Why do you ask?

  3. For your ACT score, you are in the 97th percentile, meaning in a group of 100 people, you did better than 96 of them.

    For your SAT score, you are in the 93rd percentile, meaning in a group of 100 people, you did better than 92 of them.

    So with percentiles, I would say your ACT score is better.  But a more accurate way would be to use statistics and find the mean and standard deviation of ACT and SAT scores, and find how many standard deviations away from the mean you are.  The more standard deviations away, the better.

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