
What is a better vacation, Brazil or Italy, How much is a good budget to set?

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Want to go on a VACA. torn between Italy and Brazil. My father-in-law is footing the bill. I have never gone on a real VACA usually just visiting family. I love architechture and latin heritage. I am italian and would love to see Venice, Milan, Rome. But my Father-in-law and Hubby(who are not italian they are southern white boys) are not as into history etc.. they love a good bar! What do you think and whats a good budget? Do I get a travel agent, or book on line.




  1. NONE, they both suck, nothing beats HONG KONG!!!!

  2. Italy

  3. Most people would go to Italy because its one of those places like France and Rome, people always want to go there. Theres alot more to the world than those places and each country has its ups and downs sometimes more downs, me i would go to Brazil. A travel agent would be a good idea i guess and possibly you could go to both ;D but if you cant chose the place you really really want to go to and that your husband would aswell.

  4. Italy, better architecture and rich history, Brazil is dangerous unless you know exactly where everything is, I say book online, I like it better that way, just that you cant get someone to help immediately like if with a travel agent.

  5. Well, if it is any consolation I'm a southern girl born and raised and when I went to Italy I LOVED it! I also went with a big group of people all from the south and guys and girls alike loved everything there was to offer. We went to three cities (and also we stopped some places in between) which were Florence, Rome and Assisi....Assisi was my favorite. It was like little Italy and there wasn't as many tourists when I was there. It was so much fun, me and a friend bought some sort of sandwich at a little deli thing in Assisi and we set and talked for probably two hours to the owner and his daughter.....he couldn't speak English very well and we didn't know a word of Italian so it was an adventure!

    I loved Italy and cannot wait to go back but I have never been to Brazil and am sure it has allot to offer'll have fun no matter where you go.

  6. go to italy.Brazil is dangerous.

  7. italy is better and more expensive


  8. you like architecture then Italy. Please do not sell your good ole Southern boys short. I bet they will surprise you. Have fun. Do lots of research.  Read tour books IF you get an agent talk to several of them See which has been to Italy.  Budget-lodging $250-300/night

    food $50-75/day/person. Misc. $30/day/person.  Now add 10% and you should be ok. A good resource would be Rick Steves's books (from PBS fame)

  9. Go to Italy

    Book online as its usually cheaper - but get guide book - read up on it

    Budget is up to you - leave money for excursions, transport, meals, extra, emergencies and suverniors

  10. The best school of architecture in Italy is in Genoa, in northern Italy, it is a very cute town, home of Christopher Columbus, Milan is just an hour away and for the boys Marinello is just 2:30 hours away from Genoa, Every man admires the Ferrari engine so it would be like Disneyland for them, if you are going next year try to see when the Formula 1 is taking place in Marenello, they will have a blast. You can arrive in milan from there go to marenello come back to Milan go to Genoa take the train to Tuscany (go to the Chianti vineyards, stay at a bed and breakfast is very cheap and you will have a taste of their cuisine too), Florence(architecture is rich there) than Venice and go back to the US. Book definitely on line and try to get a Italian friend before you get there, they will show you the way.

    Have fun and I am sure the guys will love it too!

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