
What is a biometrical passport picture and how do I get one?

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I will be studying abroad in Germany for about four months and I have to get a student visa. I have to have a passport sized pic for it, and it has to be in a biometrical format. First off, what is a biometrical passport pic? Secondly, what does one look like and lastly, how do I obtain one? Can I use a home personal picture program such as Kodak and a digital camera and make one at home, or do I need to use a professional printing service? All and any help would be appreciated!




  1. As for the picture, a biometric passport PHOTO is simply a portrait of you from the neck up with your head turned a bit off to the side. Make sure you have a neutral expression. Everytime I had to go to the "Auslaenderbehoerde" or Foreigner's Office as an American in Germany, I just looked for a friendly Turkish person near the photomat and asked them for help - they always knew the ins and outs! :-)

  2. A biometrical pic is a normal photo (which you can make at home), from shoulders on. It´s important, that they can see one of your ears, that they are able to identify you, as an ear is individual as fingerprints.I think in some years the pics of the identity cards in Germany have to be biometrical, too. Biometical pics are used to scan striking elements in someone´s face.

  3. that have electronic readers that are able to read the chip in the cards and verify information present in the card and on the passport.

    for more info go to:

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