
What is a blood clot?

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What is a blood clot?




  1. Ok on this question most people has answered blood clotting in terms of the illness.

    A blood clot is mass of a red and white blood cells all clumped together.

    Why Blood clots occur

    1) When you get a cut or bruise, your blood exposed to the air will clot. The clot seals the wound to prevent excessive blood loss while at the same time preventing foreign invasive particles from entering your bloodstream. Clotting is the solidification of blood in a process known as coagulation. A blood clot consists of a plug of platelets enmeshed in a network of insoluble fibrin.

    2) In the case of blood clotting where theres no wound and the clot occurs in one of the arteries in the lung. This condition is known as Pulmonary thromboembolism. These clots are continually being made in the bloodstream. Normally, these are broken down quickly, but under certain conditions they grow to form a larger clot that blocks a vein. This is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

    Mainly the people who are affected include: Having an operation, especially orthopaedic surgery on the legs or gynaecological surgery, Major trauma, Serious burns, Cancer, Immobility (including prolonged periods of sitting still during travel, for example), Pregnancy, Paralysis, Heart failure, Inflammatory bowel disease, Clotting disorders and thrombophilia

    A blood clot can be avoided by aspirins, as aspirins make the blood thinner and it cant clot. But this is bad as even a wound can then be fatal and may cause internal bleeding. so in the case of a wound a blood clot is good for your body as it stops bacteria from entering your bloodstream.

    Hope This Helps


  3. A blood clot is a clotting of the platelets.FIRST, when  you are accident the platelets will hurry  go to the cut/wound.SECOND,the platelets will form a sticky matieral that keeps the blood not to flow out of the body.the last, it will form into another tissue

  4. okay..blood clot --actually, is due to fats forming around the veins(when you eat a lot of cholesterol foods)&& when it clogs...your veins might uhmm shall we say explode in terms of it will unfortunately break or sort of...

  5. Blood clot appears when you got a scratch or bruise. It helps your body because if the bruise/scratch is open, the blood will just flow out to your body and could be fatal. It also protects you from bacterias that may invade your body. Hope this helps. =)

  6. Blood clots are not a normal condition, but occur when blood coagulates, or hardens.

    These form during injury to the body. A thrombus, or blood clot, is made when blood cells lump together with fibrin, a stretchy, thread-like protein.

  7. A blood clot forms when you get a cut, so that you don't keep on bleeding. This is a process called coagulation. There's cells called platelets in the blood which bundle together to make the clot.

  8. A blood clot is just that: clotted blood. It's sort of like a little lump of blood, and they can be potentially fatal if they block off major arteries.

  9. our blood clot because our blood contains "platelets" which is responsible for blood clotting. simple.

  10. in brain.

  11. A semisolid gelatinous mass of coagulated blood that consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets entrapped in a fibrin network.
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