
What is a burdah? My mosque is having one...?

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The masjid I go to is having a burdah and Im not sure what a burdah is. I'd like to go but I wanna know what to expect before I go. I googled it and didnt come up with I like the diff opinions I get here...




  1. It should be Pardah Not Burdah

    Pardah Means ==== Curtain  

  2. Dear

    Hazrat Imam Busiri rahmatullahi alaih was a great poet and religious scholar in his time (birth year 608 hijri) in a village of Dulas Egypt.

    He was appointed as a poet for the King. It is said that a sufi told him why he should not write poetry in praise of our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam while he has already spent most of his life in other activities.

    This advise of the Sufi touched his heart and he even felt sorry that he did not use his ability for that noble cause.

    Meanwhile he was attacked by a desease which made his limbs crippled. In that state of physical ailment he wrote a Poetry in praise of our Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and it is said that He himself visited the poet and listened to the poetry and touched his noble hands on the body of the poet, which cured him. It is also said that Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam presented him his BURDA the cloth he used to put around his neck and shoulders to the poet.

    This poetry is composed of 161 sentences and it is so rhythemic and rich in praise of our Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Since then it is famous and being recited in Halaqa in groups.

    So your Masjid might be either conducting that halaqa group to recite that poetry called Burda Shareef.

    I never heard that the actual Burda piece of cloth presented by our Prophets allallahu alaihi wasallam is available and displayed any where. It is a Miracle that Our Holy Prophetsallallahu alaihi wasallam can visit in person and meet people of his choice.

    There is a saheeh Hadeeth that any one sees Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a dream it is like actually seeing him in person.

    May Allah grant us that noble opportunity aameen.

    I possess a copy of that Burda shareef in Arabic and its Urdu language translation. This famous Poetry is being translated in many languages all the world over.  

  3. Sister, this 'burdah' stuff is just an innovation in religion. Allah never ordered it in the Quran, neither did His Messenger (P.B.U.H) ever mention it. It's just something invented by those people who consider themselves wiser than God, and introduce it in their religion.

    So pls. take care to avoid this kind of stuff. Just follow the orders of Allah, and His Messenger (P.B.U.H).

  4. I'm an arab muslim myself... and into religion and all but I have never head of a burdah... maybe its not related to Islam just a gathering of some sort because a mosque is also a place for education and social gatherings... Anyways, Have Fun... :)

  5. I'm guessing it's like a mehfil? Which is what pirs do, they're like these gatherings they have, everyone gets together at the masjid, and they send salaawat and stuff on the Prophet (SAW), read naats and nafls, etc... Maybe that's what it is. My local pir masjid is holding one of them this Saturday night for Shabb-e-Baraat.

  6. sister,may be this word is pardah which is urdu word,it means to hide or to cover or curtain,so better you ask the sisters who are praying with you about it.Allah bless and guide us to the straight path.Ameen

  7. Burdah is a cloak.

    Do you mean "Hadhrah"?

    If so then it is a soofee innovation where they chant in unison and try to "intoxicate" themselves with it.  

  8. A burdah is a type of bomb, it is used for blowing up religious buildings.


  9. it's called "Purdah"

    is the practice of preventing men from seeing women. This takes two forms: physical segregation of the sexes, and the requirement for women to cover their bodies and conceal their form. Purdah exists in various forms in the Islamic world and among Hindu women in a few parts of India (in the north of India, with islamic influence).

    Physical segregation within a building can be done with walls, curtains, and screens. A woman's withdrawal into purdah restricts her personal, social and economic activities outside her home. The usual purdah garment worn is a burqa, which may or may not include a yashmak, a veil to conceal the face. The eyes may or may not be exposed.

    Purdah was rigorously observed under the Taliban in Afghanistan, where women had to observe complete purdah at all times when they were in public. Only close male family members and other women were allowed to see them out of purdah. In other societies, purdah is often only practised during certain times of religious significance.

    In historically Islamic Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, purdah is a custom with cultural rather than religious basis. Even in the United Arab Emirates, where women can wear skirts and similar modest garments, Arab women often observe purdah. It is important to differentiate between purdah and hijab. Hijab is an Islamic tradition that is based on physical and psychological morality, while purdah does not necessarily conform to Islamic teachings.

    Criticism of purdah has occurred historically. Purdah was criticised from within its community, for example in the 1905 story entitled The Sultana's Dream, by Bengali feminist Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain. Bhimrao Ambedkar, a social reformer and the chief architect of the Constitution of India, imputed many evils existing among the Muslims of British India to the purdah system of purdah in his 1946 book Pakistan, or The Partition of India, saying that women lack "mental nourishment" by being isolated and that purdah harms the sexual morals of society as a whole.

  10. Qasida Burdah is a book of songs written in praise of our Prophet (s.a.w) by Imam Busri (r.a). It is so high in its beauty that many scholars use many of its lines  when singing in praise of our beloved Prophet (pbuh). Read about it hereṣīda_al-B... As the normal some take it to extreme associate Burda along with many kinds of Bid'aa and many others reject it fully. Follow the path in between.

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