
What is a catchy Global Warming phrase for a poster?

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  1. "atleast we're winng the war against our enviroment"

  2. Not just for dead planets anymore.  Global Warming, Catch it!

  3. "KICK ME!"

  4. lies all lies.

  5. "We're Screwed!"

  6. Hey Hey,

    Ho ho,

    CO2 has got to GO!!

  7. hm...thiss sounds a bit ghetto but..iw ould say," Global Warming's getting hot... TOO HOT "   HAHAHA thats stupid but wuhtevers ;]

  8. Thanks for asking:

    "Burn gasoline and polar bears drown,

    burn Hydrogen and our children survive!"

  9. Better dead than red!

  10. Blame the republicans. :)

  11. Stop the heat!

                    Do something neat!

                     Stop the pollution!

                    This is not a illusion!

             Take the time to stop and think.

                     If you love our earth,

                    Stop Global Warming!

                       Now that is chic!

  12. Is global warming nothing but hot air?

  13. How about a "Convenient Untruth" with a picture of Al Gore's jet emitting fumes into the air.

  14. Buy land in Arizona, soon to be beachfront property!

  15. there cant be global warming, the icecubes in my freezer are still hard as rocks

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