
What is a cause for 3 days of heavy bleeding n on the 4th day pink and heavy n back red the 5th day period?

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Im 8 months postpartum and im exclusively breastfedding maybe only 1-2 meals a day with baby food. Istill havnt gotten my period BUT i bleed till i was 6 months postpartum and then for 2 months nothing now this is happening why would it be HEAVY and PINK!? I've alread been to the dr had an ultrasound and thyroid test and nothing. Im about 103 lbs and my weight range is 104-129. And before i as prego i was 111.




  1. I hope I can give you some insight from my own experience.keeping in mind the way our body reacts to some things could be quite different to how another woman's will.

    If there's no underlying cause such as a fibroid tumor, endometriosis, ovulatory, hormones off balance, etc, then it could be stress level, nutritional needs, under or over weight, or general health or just an adjustment to it's pre-pregnancy condition.  

    When in the fifth month of breastfeeding my son, the first postpartum period came in quite heavy but thereafter I menstruated monthly with no unusual bleeding or missed periods.  I then continued to nurse for another year and my periods were just fine. Later when I hit my thirties I noticed when I over stressed myself such as hard workouts, my periods fluctuated as to how long or short and how heavy or light they were. There was also the time I was anemic due to insufficient ferrous sulfate in my diet and so my periods were off key.

    In your case  you had been regular then missed two months and then it came in heavy slowed down and now heavy and pink.  It could be that since you missed two months the period came in heavier but now your  uterus is at the final stage of cleansing itself after this late period and likely in another day or two it will end.  If there's no pain and or fever, then that's good.  I would just bring this all to your doctors attention and make another gynecological appointment to put my mind at ease.

    Sounds like you are doing a great job with your nursing schedule and introduced solids none too soon.  Another plus for you is, when breastfeeding,  the uterus retracts much faster to its pre pregnancy condition, but I don't believe this should indicate a difference as to your periods being irregular.

    Take care.

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