
What is a chavs?

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  1. It's meant to stand for 'Council House And Violent'

  2. chavs are those people who live in council estates and dont have jobs, live off benefits and single handedly keep the British tracksuit making industry alive

  3. The lowest class in society, they aren't very clever and don't work so have no money.

    They typical Chav will begin drinking and smoking on street corners at the the age of 12 or younger and by fifteen will have at least one child or abortion.

    They wear track suits poorly made gold chains and fake designer brands (particularly Burbbery). Males always have short hair and females hair is tied back. They have poor pronunciation and a fear of anything different for them (from new fashions to homosexuality).

    They are typically found in council estates (state owned neighborhoods) where they live for free as they have no jobs or qualifications.

  4. A chav is a deragatory slang term for a subcultural stereotype fixated on poor fashion,like ill-made fake gold jewelry,and fake designer clothing like Burberry copies.  and  are good sites to peruse.

  5. They are not Royalty.

  6. Chavs comes from the Romany (Gypsy) language. The original word in Romany, "chavi," means child. As far back as the 1860's it was being used in English slang to mean "street urchin."  Since then its meaning has become much more derogatory.

    Other words from the Romany that have found their way into English include "pal" and ... lollipop!
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