
What is a cheap, addicting, Nintendo DS game?

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I haven't played anything but original NES, and Super NES, Mario Bros., Zelda, Tetris, and Doctor Mario. But, I'm open minded to try new things.




  1. New super mario bros. Just like the good ol' days.

  2. Kirby: Canvas Curse. Not quite like most Kirby games, but it's good in its own way.

  3. One of my favorites would be Warioware:Touched.

    Im sure you heard of it, this game is full of fun mini-games.

    Im sure its cheap, it was very addicting to me(especially because there were others that beat my scores on it), and of course it is a DS game.

  4. pokemon diamond or pearl, used it is 32 dollars which stil isnt that much, it is highly addicting

  5. I would try Elite Beat Agents. You could get it for 15 bucks used at a gamestop, and it is worth 30. Its a rhythm game. It is highly addictive, and takes a long time to beat 100%.

  6. assassins creed or Pokemon diamond or pearl

  7. Definitely the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games.

  8. Pokemon Pearl, Animal Crossing, ( dunno if they are cheap) but go to wal-mart, everything is cheap there

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