
What is a cheap and efficient way I can boost the traffic on my <span title="site?">site?www.blamethecaddie.c...</span>

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What is a cheap and efficient way I can boost the traffic on my site?www.blamethecaddie.c...




  1. Put Your Business Or Service In The Spotlight

    WebTrafficMarketing offers effective email marketing which allows you to get the word out for your business with only one push of the button! Just imagine millions of people waiting to hear from you about your product or service.

    Send your ad to over 2.7 million recipients with each blast. WebTrafficMarketing provides everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad.

    All this for only a one-time fee of $39.95!

    Consistently rated at the Net’s top email marketing service. Click the link below to see full details.

  2. Use Video Email!  Use the banners to drive more traffic to your website.  Check out the examples in the website - there is one from a Golf Pro.

    Can give you lots of tips if you are interested - drive more traffic using  vmail and be ahead of competitors, increase your bottom line and do it for less than $120 a year!  

    But, only if you are entrepreneurial and visionary and have an imagination!!



  3. To get more traffic is to submit  your website  to search engines.

    they are some free tactics which will boost traffic to your site in a cheap and efficient manner. social bookmarking, directory submission, article submission, forum and blog commenting, email marketing etc are the best tactics performed to build more traffic.

  4. First of all, after an initial review of your SEO metatags, it appears that you believe that your domain name is sufficient as a major &quot;brand&quot; to elevate your &lt;title&gt;.  Unfortunately that is not the case.  And your other metatags &lt;description&gt; and &lt;keywords&gt; are also not complete nor effective.  Read the following article on how to elevate your Net presence with proper SEO placement.

    The most effective way to advertise on the Internet is

    to first set up a website and publish its domain name

    on major search directories such as, [at and since 85% of Internet shoppers rely on these

    search directories to provide them with goods and

    services. In a sense, these search directories are a

    very large Internet Yellow Pages.

    Nevertheless, should your website or opening webpage

    fail to contain &quot;generic&quot; keywords, then anyone using

    such &quot;generic&quot; queries will not be able to discover

    your website. Your domain name [URL] of your website,

    in a sense, will be invisible, undiscoverable.

    You may want to consider some simple algorithms which,

    when observed and committed in designing of a website

    with placement of various critical metatags that can

    surely achieve a high search engine presence and

    increase Internet traffic to your website. These

    metatag strategies work well with published webpages

    at Google and Yahoo.

    Design: Should you create an extensive Flash-based

    website, make sure to fill-in the property entries

    such as the Title, Description and Keywords. Failing

    to do so, leaves no hard HTML or ALT resource that can

    be readily indexed by search robots. Also consider the

    Internet audience and their incoming setup. For

    example, if they are on analog/dialup, Flash webpages

    take too long to load up and therefore analog users

    will likely lose interest and discontinue entering the

    Flash site. On the other hand, anyone on hi-speed DSL

    lines, will welcome Flash pages which load quickly. So

    before designing a pure Flash websitge, ask the simple

    question, &quot;Who&#039;s my end user - is he on dialup or

    DSL?&quot; And if you had to choose between these two users

    for maximum marketability, then select analog users

    since 80% of most resident users are still analog

    Internet subscribers and pure HTML designed webpages

    is best for them.

    A non-Flash-based website which relies on hard text,

    is far easier to be indexed by search robots. Limit

    the use of stylized text saved as .gifs since as a

    graphic, they are not indexable by search robots.

    Avoid use of frames since any number of search robots

    are unable to properly classify textual material.

    Placement of Metatags:

    A ranking or search order does take place with Google

    and Yahoo and it begins with the &quot;Title&quot; metag which

    should consist of no more than 65 characters separated

    by commas. The &quot;Title&quot; should describe in generic

    terms, the goods and services, followed by a location

    from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state.

    The placement of a domain name which is not generic

    within the &quot;Title&quot; is not appropriate, unless your

    domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

    The second metatag is the &quot;Description&quot; which is

    usually 25-30 words to form a complete sentence which

    best describes one&#039;s goods and services.

    And the very last category - &quot;Keywords&quot; are also

    somewhat limited to 15-16 words which can be plural

    and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries

    which could be mistaken as &quot;spamdexed entries&quot; which

    is defined as the loading, and submission of

    repetitive words into a particular metatag category.

    &quot;Spamdexing&quot; when discovered on a webpage and reported

    to Google&#039;s can result in the

    elimination of your website from their search


    Here&#039;s an example of a very highly-placed website on Begin with the very &quot;generic&quot; search query

    &quot;sandwiches downtown los angeles,&quot; taking note to not

    abbreviate Los Angeles to &quot;LA&quot; and of course, leave

    out the parentheses (&quot;). It will bring up some 2.4

    million+ search results. Check out where &quot;;

    is ranked. It&#039;s ranked No. 1!

    Again,;s high web presence was achieved by

    proper web design and placement of relevant metatags

    according to Google&#039;s publication guidelines.

    Good luck!

  5. Look Advertise your website there.

    I found there website through an article that specifically listed they as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 5,000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know how important SEO is, but they have to promote in other ways too. I know I&#039;ve found a working method!

    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 1450 signups for the first website and over 1030 signups for the second. (That&#039;s less than $0.01 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

    There advertising works great. I&#039;m using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

    Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. I buy about 5,000 visitors a month to split up between my 2 websites, and for every $10 I spend there I bring in another $30!

  6. Along with submitting your sites to search engines you can also do a lot of other things like witing press releases, articles, writing ads at classified sites and answering questions at yahoo. You can learn traffic boosting methods at the site below.

  7. I have a catering website. I submit to search engines myself as part of my daily routine and it is working! Go to google and put &quot;free site submissions&#039; and your off   to a bunch of search engine sites that allow you to describe, add your URL and so on. one for example is try it. good luck.

  8. Post a question on Yahoo! Answers, and when people see the URL, they will instinctively go to your website.

    ... I did

  9. Submitting your sites to search engines u can submit your site to free submission sites Write press releases, create blogs participate in forums articles and answering questions at yahoo.

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