
What is a cheaper solution to cure acne?

by  |  earlier

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All the sudden my face has been broke out BAD for the past two months, I have tried almost everything... Neutrgena.. Dove... Oxy, Noxema... And tried on product at a time for a two week period and nothing happened? Does anyone know of any home remedies? Or maybe something that REALLY works? Thanks!




  1. Aw man I've had the same thing!

    I tried so many products but nothing really worked unfortunately!

    Then I actually noticed that drinking loads of water and staying naturally healthy actually DOES make a difference.

    I never really took it for granted till I saw the effects for myself.

    Just try it. Give yourself a week and you should see differences.\

    Things like staying away frm oily foods and drinking loads of water help like mad!

    G'luck oi! =]

  2. neutrogena complexion bar, you can find it at walgreens, walmart, kmart, target. there is the original bar and the acne prone bar, both are excellent and cured my daughters severe acne problem. costs about two or three dollars depending on where you get it.

                  good luck,

  3. differin works rlly good. i used it & it cleared up.

    its a tad expensive tho.

  4. I use this stuff called flax seed oil. it's really good for your skin and really cheap. it cleared my zits in literally two weeks. If you pair it with a good facial wash (Like clean and clear, which is like $6) then your skin should clear up soon. You can get the oil at GNC or costco for about 10 dollars in liquid or pill form. The bottle at costco is huge. You just take it once a day and your set. Hope i helped.

  5. I suggest clean & clear advantange kit it worked so good for me it'll probably work for u 2

  6. Drink a lot of water and exercise it helped me lots and spend as much time as you can in the sun but just make sure not to burn it really helps clear it up!!

  7. Clearasil, if you read the package is Salicylic Acid. 10 percent if I remember correctly. Salicylic Acis is found in aspirin. I would grind up aspirin, and mix it with a little water and rub it into your skin. The salicylic acid will help with the infection that causes white and black heads, and the mildly abrasive nature of the power mix would act like an exfoliant and help remove dead skin and open your pores.

      You can buy a whole 300 tablet bottle of the pills for about 3 bucks and it should last a LONG time. Not more than four or five pills should be enough for a treatment.

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