
What is a church lock-in and what do you do?

by Guest63852  |  earlier

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My best friend invited me to a lock-in at her church from 8pm to 8am but I still have no idea what exactly we are suppose to do once we get there. Does anyone know wha you are suppose to do at these things?




  1. A church lock-in is a lot like a slumber party (at least that I know of). People play games, listen to music, praise god, tell stories and jokes. You have fun the whole night until it's time to go. There are places to sleep, just in case you can't take the fun any more. But the last one I went too was in the 11th or 12 grade when in Marching Band. I had a grate time.  

  2. You go to the church in ur pj's and play games and watch movies. Basically juss hang and have fun. There will prob b snacks and stuff there two. Then you sleep over in the church. these are a lot of fun. You should go. Just bring ur pajamas and sleeping bag and anything else u think u'll need to sleep over in the church. have fun!

  3. Hey church lock-ins are awesome!!! The last one we had we stayed up all night, drank monster, made pizza, had a bonfire, watched movies, made brownies, stargazed, and much much more! We were not tec. locked in we just called it that. If your friends is anything like ours youll have a blast.....also we did have a 15 min bible study  

  4. Well, I 've been to a lot of church lock-ins, and mainly you are just locked in a church from like 8pm to 8am not sleeping. It's alot of fun and you'll meet alot of new friends. If you've never been to this church before then it's a great oppurtunity to meet new people. I hope you do go and have fun, and no it's not brainwashing WHATSOEVER , so don't even worry about that.

    and no you dont have s*x, and give blow-jobs    it is a church.

  5. you are not allowed to leave the building... as for what you do... continue being brainwashed into conservative christian ideals

  6. its where u stay in over night

  7. It's a fun time...being locked it, just means that your parents can feel sure you will be safe and not be leaving during those hours.  They have organized games, stories and of course food!  

  8. usually in the church gym and it is for the youth group.  Ours starts around 7 pm and lasts till like 7 am.  Dinner Breakfast and snacks are served, no sleeping, and games are played, bible studies are done, we have music time, etc.

  9. eat, dance, blowjobs, s*x, at least thats what my friend tells me. maybe its just her...

  10. You go into the church and they lock the doors, nobody can leave or come in until 8 am the next morning.  Sounds scary like they want to try to convert you to some scary religion or something I wouldnt do it!! I  went to a lock in at a YMCA when I was younger and we just played games and ate dinner and slept in sleeping bags on the floor.  Not to much fun,  and since your going to a church one im betting it will be even more boring.  You will probably read bible stories and talk about the bible and maybe some kind of bible-esque games, sing psalms.. idk.  Doesnt sound like too much fun to me, I'm sure there something better to do on a friday night (or any night!)  

  11. Oh it was fun. When i had mine, we played games and just hung out the whole time.  Some people slept but not a lot and you just hang.  It is pretty fun, I think you should go. The time goes a lot faster then it sounds.  You can also make a lot of friends and its not like you have to do all the activities and stuff.  Its like a co ed. sleep over but with a bunch of kids.  

  12. Hey Sara all or most all of the posts are correct in their idea on this; you stay in for the whole night till morning, you play board games, talk, eat, maybe  pray, talk about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit--to give a better understanding of God but there is no attempt to covert you it is just a good time together a time to be apart from the typical ideas from outside--drugs, beer, etc.  it is a good time with friends that are not trying to pressure you to take part in risky behaviors--drinking, smoking, etc. you know the regular stuff teens do.

    If you are still unsure about going or what a church-lock in ask your friend or just say "thanks" and say no.  There is no need to be stressed out over this so relax and decide what is best for you.  

  13. Lock-in's are dirty. It's where all the believers and non-believers have a brawl. It can go on for hours and hours. Which ever side is left standing and still alive can leave.

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