
What is a clear blue title?

by  |  earlier

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Going to look at a car and owner states clear blue title. what exactly does it mean? all help is greatly appreciated. I am in texas also.




  1. I would venture that the title is free of leins.

    States have different colors for their titles and your state may have a blue title. If you are a first time buyer, you need to look at the title and see if the person selling the vehicle is the same person that is listed on the title. Are you writing a  check to Joe Blow and the title says John Smith as the owner?

    Look at the title and see if there is a leinholder and did the leinholder sign off.

    You can pay for a vehicle and drive off with it but if you don't have a 'good' 'clean''clear' title', you have an expensive piece of metal that you can't drive or tag.

    It may be a good idea if you took someone with you to look over the title and save you a problem.

    This is a learning experience for you, so don't make it an expensive one.

    Good luck.

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