
What is a college major that will work best for me?

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And what exactly is a college major and minor?

I love dancing an I love teaching but I also would like to learn to be a therapist (the kind that works with psychology of the mind that talks to the patients with the couch and the notebook and the works). But I also love english and want to try law. I'm so confused. I want to take everything but i cant decide on one career for the rest of my life. I love them all too much.

Please help me. I still have a year until college but I would like to know before I go crazy with pressure and deadlines.

Thank to those who answered in advance.




  1. To begin with a college major is the area you choose to study and it becomes your degree field (e.g. engineering or business). A minor is not always required and it is a supporting area that compliments your major.

    At this point I would not worry too much about it and would look at the areas that you get your best grades as this will indicate where you have some ability and I would also look at areas where you find the subject quite interesting. As you examine these areas you will begin to narrow your search down to a few areas.  

    From what you have posted there seems to be a common theme of creativity and analysis. Have you considered engineering or architecture? Also I suspect you would be well suited for a degree in English or Journalism. If you get the grades then law school would be an opportunity too especially the areas of criminal and tort law may be ideally suited for you.  

  2. It's too soon for law.

    Psychology sounds good, there are many opportunities in that field.

    Forget about English if you don't consider being a journalist, writer or H.S. teacher.

    Start with 'undecided' or 'liberal arts', then get specific during your Sophomore year.

    Personally, I think you should go for (a) something you are good at, and (b) something you love.

    Good Luck!

  3. These are your interests:






    You can combine some of these (or keep them separate) into careers:

    -dance teacher

    -english teacher



    Have you taken courses in high school in these subjects? Which was your favorite? Which could you picture yourself doing for a long period of time? It's all up to you!

    A major and minor depends on the amount of classes taken by yourself to fulfill the major or minor requirement (does that make sense?) Example: If you major in English, you obviously took a lot of enlgish classes. If you minor in Psychology, you took a lot of psychology classes, but not as much as enlgihs.

  4. It seems to me that your heading for law, depending on what you do with it you can always teach it.  Pick up psychology along the way and keep it under your belt.  they both go hand in hand..

    good luck...looks like you have a bright future ahead of you.  smart move..

  5. A major is basically an area of concentration--usually there are requirements within the major. For instance, I'm an English major at college, and I'm required to take a certain amount of credits within the English department (I think it's 30 or 40), and I'm required to take Intro to Literature, as well as at least two classes based on pre-1700 lit, and one based on post-1700 lit, as well as a couple of other requirements. A minor is the same as a major, but the requirements are less. Usually, a person will choose a major and a minor. Sometimes you can choose to 'double-major,' fulfilling the requirements of two different majors, and often that means you won't have a minor. Generally you'll 'declare' your major after you've done a year or two of college--at my school, we have to declare by the end of our sophomore year. And you can always change your major, so don't worry about that.

    But...I'd worry about getting in to college, before trying to figure out your major. The best thing, once you're a freshman, is to take lots of classes in subjects you think you MIGHT be interested in. Something you never thought you'd want to spend your life doing could pique your interest.

    In the meantime, try to pick a college that has the option of a lot of majors you might be interested in, and keep in mind that you don't HAVE to choose a career that has anything to do with your major, though it helps to have a background in science, say, if you're going to become a doctor.

    Finally, just...don't stress out. Senior year of HS and college can be stressful enough without trying to plan the rest of your life in the meantime. Good luck!

  6. You dont have to pick just one, just one at a time! Take it easy, you know that it will take a while no matter what you do so if you are willing to give all the time to do another one then go for it! I would say you sound calm, the therapist type. Although i don't know you so i cannot fully determine which would be best. In law you could make a lot of money and not have to work too much. (which is awesome). Mental therapy, you make a lot of money but have to work around the dangers of whether or not you should tell (if someone is going to hurt themselves or someone else) and be a great secret keeper, if you can zip the lips about stuff then that would be good. Teacher, you have to have A LOT of patience! Teachers don't get paid big, enough to get by with a child and working husband, but not enough to have your dream home. Dancing, ok, the only thing you could really work with this is if you wanted to be an instructor, or, use it as a hobby. So thats really only 3 things to work with, so dont sweat it too much! If you want my opinion, you should go for therapy.

    ~hope i helped to sort things out and give you a better veiw on things.

  7. You should talk to your school counselor. You might also want to keep in mind double majoring. If you like to dance and want to teach join the college dance team and maybe when you become a teacher you could be a dance coach. The school I am looking at going to (St. Mary of the Woods College) has a program called social science that actually deals with both psychology and law.  

  8. when you get to college, you dont necessarily have to have a decided major.. you can take a few classes here and there to get a taste of things... you can talk to your class advisor or counselor to help you figure out what will be best for you...

    you can always double major! (graduate college with 2 qualifiying majors)

    your major is the area you specialize in.. like psychology, law, design, art, music, english, teaching... your minor is an area you specialize within your major.. For example, I'm an Information Technology major.. I'll be minoring in Network Security.. a minor basically gives your major more definition

  9. As far as I know (since I'm also only in my 2nd semester in my university):

    A major is your core subjects

    A minor is your electives

  10. Try to pursue these things before you go to college. Find out you hate it before you are stuck with it. Plus you dont have to choose a major immediately. You can wait til college to find out what you want to do.

    I am in the same position as you. I am being pressured to pick what i wanted to be. For a while I thought I wanted to be a psychologist, but I found out I cant stand listening to people's problems.

  11. do what will give you the greatest personal satisfaction

    while money is important, you will have family and children one day,

    do you want to be there for them or do you want to be there for others?

    consider the time commitment and rigidiy as well as the flexibility each career will require and offer.

    Education would be my recommendation.......8-3 M-F

  12. You could try police work. Eventually become a police therapist or something. My dad also knows a guy who had a Ph.D in psychology that works in a prison helping inmates. If you want to fuse in the teaching part you could work at a juvi place. Beats me though, I hope you find out what you want to do! good luck!

  13. I think what would be best for you would to go and talk with an academic advisor whenever you go to register for classes. He/She could give you an assessment to see what you would do better in. Personally, what ever is your passion go for it...the world is unlimited!!

    Good Luck!!

  14. only YOU can answer that question

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