
What is a conditional license? I am about to have my license suspended for 3 speeding tickets in 18 mos?

by  |  earlier

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but i still need to be able to go to/from work. I live in ny state.




  1. Lets analyze your question by thinking mathematically.  First, you got 3 speeding tickets in 18 months, which means that you learned nothing about getting your first ticket and nothing about getting your second ticket, resulting in your third ticket.  Secondly, you don't know what a conditional license is, even though about 99% of  people know or could guess what a conditional license is.  I say, forget about driving again until you get your head straight, and walk.  You're a menace on the highway.

  2. How did I guess you lived in New York State?

    First thing to do is head to Albany and complain for them to stop getting you with speeding tickets because they can't balance their budget. Tell them that they need to stop wasting their money on stupid **** and overtaxing NYS residents. Then make it a point to say that they need to stop putting cops on speed-traps and stop some of the murders in Rochester, because it's much more important than a stupid speeding ticket.

  3. well i guess you better start looking at the prices of bikes... conditional license is one that can only be used at a certain time of day to go the work or to buy food.... and if they catch you driving else where you lose that .. and then your walking best you start planing or the bus or get a bike

  4. "Conditional" meaning you drive to and from work or school, and thats all, no driving,to the store ,to your girls house and God forbid,sleeping in your car ,IF YOU KNOW what i mean?

  5. A conditional license is when the judge will let you only use your car to go to work and school and thats it. If you get pulled over while you are going anywhere else or if you get another traffic viloation, more than likely they will impound your car.  

  6. A conditional license is a type of driver's license that does not grant full driving privileges but instead comes with restrictions.

    In New York it will depend on the judge if he or she will grant this to you because they will need to know where you work and in many cases if possible they will recommend that you use public transportation.

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