
What is a congengetional school. I have found it on a family history site.?

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I have tried typing it into the search but all it is saying is congregational........




  1. When I was a child, the Church schools were often called Congregational Schools (that's some 70 years ago)

  2. Think you'll find someone couldn't spell.

  3. seems like it has been transcribed wrongly.   it does happen quite a lot in genealogy.  transcribers have to write what they see and of course the original handwriting might not have been too good.  or have deteriorated over time

  4. Sometimes common sense have to overrule spelling. Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. A school run by the church is often referred to a the Congregational School.  Wikipedia gives a history of Congregational Churches and their mergers over time.

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