
What is a country code on a computer??

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What is a country code on a computer??




  1. Do you mean these?

    First Level National Domains For Internet Addresses

        * AC Ascension Island

        * AD Andorra

        * AE United Arab Emirates

        * AF Afghanistan

        * AG Antigua and Barbuda

        * AI Anguilla

        * AL Albania

        * AM Armenia

        * AN Netherlands Antilles

        * AO Angola

        * AQ Antarctica

        * AR Argentina

        * AS American Samoa

        * AT Austria

        * AU Australia

        * AW Aruba

        * AZ Azerbaijan

        * BA Bosnia and Herzegowina

        * BB Barbados

        * BD Bangladesh

        * BE Belgium

        * BF Burkina Faso

        * BG Bulgaria

        * BH Bahrain

        * BI Burundi

        * BJ Benin

        * BM Bermuda

        * BN Brunei Darussalam

        * BO Bolivia

        * BR Brazil

        * BS Bahamas

        * BT Bhutan

        * BV Bouvet Island

        * BW Botswana

        * BY Belarus

        * BZ Belize

        * CA Canada

        * CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands

        * CD Zaire (Republic of The Congo)

        * CF Central African Republic

        * CG Congo

        * CH Switzerland

        * CI Cote D'Ivoire

        * CK Cook Islands

        * CL Chile

        * CM Cameroon

        * CN China

        * CO Colombia

        * CR Costa Rica

        * CS Czechoslovakia (former - not used now)

        * CU Cuba

        * CV Cape Verde

        * CX Christmas Island

        * CY Cyprus

        * CZ Czech Republic

        * DE Germany

        * DJ Djibouti

        * DK Denmark

        * DM Dominica

        * DO Dominican Republic

        * DZ Algeria

        * EC Ecuador

        * EE Estonia

        * EG Egypt

        * EH Western Sahara

        * ER Eritrea

        * ES Spain

        * ET Ethiopia

        * FI Finland

        * FJ Fiji

        * FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

        * FM Federated States of Micronesia

        * FO Faroe Islands

        * FR France

        * FX Metropolitan France (proposed - not used)

        * GA Gabon

        * GB United Kingdom

        * GD Grenada

        * GE Georgia

        * GF French Guiana

        * GG Guernsey

        * GH Ghana

        * GI Gibraltar

        * GL Greenland

        * GM Gambia

        * GN Guinea

        * GP Guadeloupe

        * GQ Equatorial Guinea

        * GR Greece

        * GS South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands

        * GT Guatemala

        * GU Guam

        * GW Guinea-Bissau

        * GY Guyana

        * HK Hong Kong

        * HM Heard and McDonald Islands

        * HN Honduras

        * HR Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

        * HT Haiti

        * HU Hungary

        * ID Indonesia

        * IE Ireland

        * IL Israel

        * IM Isle of Man

        * IN India

        * IO British Indian Ocean Territory

        * IQ Iraq

        * IR Iran (Islamic Republic Of)

        * IS Iceland

        * IT Italy

        * JE Jersey

        * JM Jamaica

        * JO Jordan

        * JP Japan

        * KE Kenya

        * KG Kyrgyzstan

        * KH Cambodia

        * KI Kiribati

        * KM Comoros

        * KN Saint Kitts and Nevis

        * KP Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North)

        * KR Republic of Korea (South)

        * KW Kuwait

        * KY Cayman Islands

        * KZ Kazakhstan

        * LA Lao People's Democratic Republic

        * LB Lebanon

        * LC Saint Lucia

        * LI Liechtenstein

        * LK Sri Lanka

        * LR Liberia

        * LS Lesotho

        * LT Lithuania

        * LU Luxembourg

        * LV Latvia

        * LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

        * MA Morocco

        * MC Monaco

        * MD Republic of Moldova

        * MG Madagascar

        * MH Marshall Islands

        * MK The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

        * ML Mali

        * MM Myanmar

        * MN Mongolia

        * MO Macau

        * MP Northern Mariana Islands

        * MQ Martinique

        * MR Mauritania

        * MS Montserrat

        * MT Malta

        * MU Mauritius

        * MV Maldives

        * MW Malawi

        * MX Mexico

        * MY Malaysia

        * MZ Mozambique

        * NA Namibia

        * NC New Caledonia

        * NE Niger

        * NF Norfolk Island

        * NG Nigeria

        * NI Nicaragua

        * NL Netherlands

        * NO Norway

        * NP Nepal

        * NR Nauru

        * NT Neutral Territory

        * NU Niue

        * NZ New Zealand

        * OM Oman

        * PA Panama

        * PE Peru

        * PF French Polynesia

        * PG Papua New Guinea

        * PH Philippines

        * PK Pakistan

        * PL Poland

        * PM St. Pierre and Miquelon

        * PN Pitcairn

        * PR Puerto Rico

        * PS Palestinian Territories

        * PT Portugal

        * PW Palau

        * PY Paraguay

        * QA Qatar

        * RE Reunion Island

        * RO Romania

        * RU Russian Federation

        * RW Rwanda

        * SA Saudi Arabia

        * SB Solomon Islands

        * SC Seychelles

        * SD Sudan

        * SE Sweden

        * SG Singapore

        * SH St. Helena

        * SI Slovenia

        * SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

        * SK Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

        * SL Sierra Leone

        * SM San Marino

        * SN Senegal

        * SO Somalia

        * SR Suriname

        * ST Sao Tome and Principe

        * SU USSR (former - being phased out)

        * SV El Salvador

        * SY Syrian Arab Republic

        * SZ Swaziland

        * TC Turks and Caicos Islands

        * TD Chad

        * TF French Southern Territories

        * TG Togo

        * TH Thailand

        * TJ Tajikistan

        * TK Tokelau

        * TM Turkmenistan

        * TN Tunisia

        * TO Tonga

        * TP East Timor

        * TR  

  2. There are some abbreviations and numeric codes assign to each and every country. for Eg. IND is the abbreviation used for India where as 91 is country code for India

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