
What is a cover letter?

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What is a cover letter?




  1. You always include a brief, formal business letter with all submissions that you send. They should simply say that you want to be considered for representation (if it is an agent) or for casting if it is a casting director. YOu do not put anything else in it, that is what your resume is for. If you are under 18, have mom write it for you and sign it as it will say please consider my daughter.....  Get a copy of Acting as a Business by O:Neil to learn all about such important things.

  2. It's a letter that typically goes with your resume or CV and briefly states your objective and highlights your skills.

  3. A letter to the employer/manager of a place you are applying for, telling them why you want to work there, why they should hire you, etc. I think it's business letter format. It's not required to get hired but it increases your chances of getting a job.

  4. it goes with your reseme.

    telling about your goals and what you are good at and everything

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