
What is a cultural frame in art?

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What is a cultural frame in art?




  1. Short for "frame of reference."  The subject matter of some art may not have the same meaning for everyone who sees it.

    A compositon of three Japanese women in kimonos, walking in a garden may not have the intended meaning to a viewer from the Midwestern USA.  Neither will some African dance form have the intended meaning to a viewer from Warsaw, Poland.

    The Japanese painting may tell a well known story to someone raised in the Japanese culture, where, to somone from the USA, it may only be a pretty picture.

    The African dance may have mythological significance to an African cowherd, but, to the Eastern European, it may only be an exotic rhythym.

  2. As Sleepy said: A cultural frame is a perspective bound by certain traditional markings or symbols that would relate to a particular culture, for example Australian aboriginal art, or Samoan art, or Muslim art...or simply clothing which states the cultural and time frame...the lack of which is what makes nudes timeless.

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