
What is a current, interesting world problem or issue that I can do a Powerpoint presentation on?

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This is for my 10th grade world history class. What is something that I can talk about and easy to understand? Global warming isn't an option.




  1. war in iraq, gas prices, world hunger

    the war in iraq is a touchy subject, and can still be hard to understand. gas prices are, for the most part, only a national issue rather than a global one, but you can also bring up the fact that the united states has been paying less than other countries for years, and the prices we're paying now is what other countries have been paying. then tie in why gas prices are suddenly increasing (due to political reasons). world hunger is a good one, i think, because it brings up the topic that the world finally has enough resources and of course plenty of food to get rid of world hunger completely, but it comes down to the fact that that isn't the best decision economically, but the greatest decision morally.

    hope i helped!

  2. How the Internet could (and in some cases is) be used to bring education to 3rd world countries for the first time.

  3. obesity in children, war, how bad some kids around the world have it in terms of day to day survival

  4. What is the mystery of world war two was all about?

    Luke 8.10,17

    What is the mystery on the Liberation of Freedom from world war two?

    Exodus 20. 1 - 2

    What is the mystery on the celebration of a " Red Poppy flower" on Poppy's day?

    Exodus 12.  14, 21-27

    What is the mystery on the celebration of X'mas with a Christmas tree with a shining star at the tip of the tree?

    Exodus 13. 21

    What is the true meaning of X'mas?

    Leviticus 26.13

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " It's up to you"

    Who took for granted in messing up with God in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    John 7.19

    Taking for granted those celebration as western or european culture in not worshiping God?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Does one know why we must come up with a "Tie up a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree" for the good of mankind in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time?

    Luke 21.30-36

    Decode this lyrics " Take a bow"

    Matt 22. 17-21

    Luke 24. 44-45

    What do you think?

  5. The rising costs of oil, world military spending, and wars in the middle east to name a few.

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