
What is a current and voltage regulated supply?

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How does it work?




  1. A regulated power supply means a power supply unit which has a constant output, be it current or voltage.

    A current regulated supply has non-fluctuating output current even though the voltage or impedance changes.

    A voltage regulated supply has non-fluctuating output voltage even though the current or impedance changes.

  2. I assume you mean a supply that is both voltage and current regulated.

    for low levels of current below the current set point, it acts as a voltage source, with a feedback loop maintaining the voltage at the set value as the current changes or as the line voltage changes. It has very low output impedance.

    But if the current increases to the current set point, the supply switches to a current mode. In this mode it acts as a constant current supply, controlling the current so that it is at the set point. Output impedance is very high.

    This is also called a square corner supply. If you plot the operating region on a VI graph, it will be a box bordered by V=Vset, I=Iset, V=0 and I=0.

    Another way to look at it is an adjustable voltage supply with adjustable current limit, or as an adjustable current supply with adjustable voltage limit.


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