
What is a daily struggle for you?

by Guest32710  |  earlier

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What is a daily struggle for you?




  1. I have too much homework and studying.

  2. Well should I say hello ,


    Well I will have to think about it........... yes Hello Sparks.

    Answer : What bottle of wine to open.

  3. Trying to put on weight! -im gettin there thoo hehe :)

    x x x x

  4. Not get distracted by temptations.

  5. I have some bad habbits, that are not good for me, I struggel every day to overcome the desire to do these things.

    I'm fighting for the ability to become a better person,

    Also, I have some back injuries, and neck pain, that make it hard to move, and I struggle every day to take care of my kids, and keep the house clean with the amount of pain i'm in.

    If I could just overcome my emotional and spiritual weaknesses, and become a better man, and get my body fixed, I would be fabulous.

    and live would be wonderful

    But, than, I gotta stop and say, life is still grand even with my problems

    I am still pretty happy.

  6. coping with my brother

  7. Getting out of bed.

  8. For me it is food. Food is everywhere, ther is no getting away from it. Food is so yummy and it is tempting me all the time. So I struggle  every day.

  9. straightening my curly hair!!  SO annoying...every flipping morning..same routine!!

  10. Hello,

    (ANS) Different things in life motivate people. But some reasons are logical and completely understandable, but others are irrational,illogical and totally baffling. Here are a few I can think of:-

    a) Survival i.e. to stay alive. Because life is here but a short time and your a long time dead.

    b) To make money or create wealth in exchange for the things we value in life (not just to pay bills, taxes or a mortgage,etc).

    c) To gain status & impress others (work colleges, friends, family, partner, girl friend etc).

    d) to discover what holds meaning or value for you in life (actually life is totally 100% meaningless, it only has meaning through our own efforts i.e. struggle or work). We are here to create our own values & our own meanings.

    e) To leave this world, this reality a better place than when we first arrived if that's possible?


  11. I have a lot of headahces.

  12. Getting up at 4.30am to take the wife

    to her work, and then coming back to

    housework, I have asked her to retire

    but she says not just now!! later..

  13. Getting out of bed =D lol

  14. Being fully content with my life. I know I am blessed,and I at times feel grateful for the good things in my life, but I am also lonely, by choice, the loneliness gets a little hard to deal with, but I figured I will deal with it until I am ready to trust again.

    OK to say it simply, I have major trust issues.

  15. Finishing what I start...Oh wait, I need to start in order to finish! Argh!

  16. Walking over 2 miles to get home each day after studying for 5 A-Levels.

  17. Turning off liberal media reports and continual arguments that the DSM is fraud.  Thank god for Rush!

  18. My appetite..Since I have had little work coming in I have started eating way too much..Not got fat yet but there is a small lump appearing now around the middle...heehee

  19. Dealing with acne :\

  20. Getting out of bed. haha.

    Other than that...

    not wasting

  21. havin a c**p

  22. Getting out of bed at 6:30am every morning and while at school, I don't like the popular boys talking to me to look cool. It makes me feel awkward.

  23. mixing with others i have also taken myself out of society,i keep myself to myself,i have beaten an addiction,and it is hard to fit back in so for that reason just getting through every day,especially if i have to go out.aswell as relationship trouble,trust issues also..but things are getting better..  

  24. motivating myself to do work:S

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