
What is a damsel fish?

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What is a damsel fish?




  1. Formally, a damsel is any member of the fish family Pomacentridae. All are exclusively marine; typically tolerant of less-than-perfect conditions; and, with the exception of the schooling Chormis genus, typically territorial. With a few exceptions (such as the huge Mexican damsel), most grow to less than 4 inches in a home aquarium. The best known "official" damsels are the clownfishes.

    Unofficially, damsels refer to all of the members of Pomacentridae except clownfish. Most people don't call Chromis damsels (even though they are), simply because their territory is markedly different. Damsels are usually territorial and feisty; they pack a lot of fight for a fish so small. Chromis are peaceful schooling fish, and a good choice for beginning marine aquarists. A trio blue-green chromis (C. viridis) were my first marine fish, and they gave me few problems.

    Most (but not all) of the fish called damsels are brightly colored, making them very popular.

  2. theyre marine fishes (salt water fishes)

    its this

    or its these

  3. they are small saltwater fish.  Most of the time people put these fish in their tank before they add the actual fish that they wont.  SInce these fish are really cheap, as bad as it sounds, you would rather have a cheaper fish die than a very expensive one.  So basically these fish are your tester fish to make sure that your tank is running healthy and smoothly.  They are very hardy fish and will eat meaty foods.

  4. "Finding Nemo" the character of 'Deb' is played by a Damsel Fish

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