
What is a day as an anesthesiologist or pathologist ?

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i want to know what a typical day is like ?

i want to be an anesthesiologist when i grow up but a pathologist sounds interesting.

can an anesthesiologist wear light make-up while working?

when i'm in medical school can i still change my mine whether i want to be an anesthesiologist or a pathologist ?

can you answer another question about anesthesiologist plz;_ylt=An47_X2l_i.IrdWoE5KlRDXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080619195113AAezyHE




  1. Here is a lengthy answer I posted a while ago which answers a bunch of questions that may interest you:;...

    You can wear make-up.  If you're a dude, though, you might get weird looks.

    You don't choose a specialty until the end of medical school.  You can even change your mind after you start residency, you'll just have to find an appropriate program and start over.  I know people who did that.

    Do NOT worry about specialty until you are in your third year of medical school.  It is moot until then.

  2. Get Pangolin and she will answer to your 2 questions.

    She is an anesthesiologist

  3. I imagine a typical day for an anesthesiologist would be measureing liquids and putting people to sleep....

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