
What is a decent pub / bar near to Piccadilly Circus that won't be over-run with tourists? It's a long shot...

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Just fancy a catch-up drink with an old mate without having to scream at each other over 18 different languages.This is NOT xenophobia....




  1. You could try the following -


    Azzurro has a nice, quiet bar area - you'll have plenty of chance for a catch-up.

  2. There is a bar called CHEERS on Regent Street just as you come out of Piccadillly Circus. You can hear yourself talk in there because the music isn't pounding in your chest and the crowd is decent.

  3. Wander up into Soho, there are lots of bars that arent full of tourists, although you may have to suffer all the 'media' types that work there instead - lots of good 'traditional' pubs too

    The Carlisle Arms

    The Coach and Horses - Great Marlborough St

    The Shaston Arms - Ganton Street

    The Coach and Horses - Greek Street

    The Duke of Wellington- Wardour Street

    The White Horse - Newburgh Street

    The Green Man - Berwick St

    The Star and Garter- Poland Street

    The Shakespeare's Head- Great Marlborough St

    None of these are particularly touristy - and are more pubs than trendy bars

  4. Try the Ritz, Lunchtimes are usually good.

  5. If you go down the slip road that runs parallel with Regent's St (sorry don't know name) you end up behind Liberties. There are a few pubs there (the Claughan, for example) that aren't too touristy because they can't find them- but if you want to shop or do something lively, Carneby St is right there too.

  6. Never been in there during the day, but tiger tiger is alright. But as I say, not sure how busy it gets at lunchtimes.

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