
What is a definition of miracle? Can it be "an illogical event"?

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What is a definition of miracle? Can it be "an illogical event"?




  1. To science, yes.  It is not rational.  To those of us living in the world, though, they are an everyday occurance.

  2. A miracle is an object of wonder. A good one that makes you laugh or smile. This is where the word comes from in its Latin and Sanskrit roots. In church services the things you might find wondrous were caused by a supernatural entity, so many today associate the word 'miracle' with religion and not with reason.

    But this need not be so.  I know many scientists who are such because they are so amazed at the world that they can think of few things better than knowing it in every detail.  Reason and knowing doesn't lessen their wonder... it just matures and develops it.  Just as knowing more about a person you love (hopefully) enhances rather than eliminates that love.

    A miracle CAN be an event that defies explanation.  But it certainly doesn't HAVE to be.

  3. An event of a miralculous nature is called a miracle.It can be 'healing of an incurable disease, a person pronounced dead coming back to life,etc etc or it can be beggar getting a Big Lottery,survival in a terrible accident and of course an illogical event which defies all logic and science.

  4. Miracle –noun

    1. an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.  

    2. such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.  

    3. a wonder; marvel.  

    4. a wonderful or surpassing example of some quality: a miracle of modern acoustics.  

    So-called "miracles" are natural phenomena which we are not yet capable of comprehending. thousands of "miracles" in medieval days are considered common sense in modern times. We can now explain some "miracles" because science is now able to. Our boundary of logic will always expand, therefore any event can never be "illogical".

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