
What is a description of a typist and a clerk?

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i am doing an assignment for cxc and i want to know the role and function as well as a description of a typist and a office clerk




  1. hmmm, well i was a 'typist' for 5 years, that was actually my job description...but i did far, far more than merely type documents. honestly, i think most 'typists' are clerks but they call them 'typists' to degrade them and keep their pay scale low. the boss can say 'your only responsibility is to type' HA... what a joke. oh, well i could give you the list of things i did, but it pertains to the title industry and i don't know if it would help...stuff like:

    customer service: answering phone calls, fielding questions for the 'higher ups', calming down customers, taking orders.

    title searches on property using specific computer programs.

    checked, called for and ordered property taxes.

    filing, research, mailing, faxing, billing and e-mail, etc. etc.

    pretty much what a clerk, secretary, assistant or receptionists would be responsible for, but for less money.

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