
What is a diemension and whats it got to do with paranormal?

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for people who on the mad science ting




  1. If you read about "string theory" it postulates the

    existance of a number of additional dimensions

    beyond what we normally see. These dimensions

    provide a possible explanation of how various

    paranormal phenomena can scientifically occur.

    In other words, things like spirits and deities may

    in fact exist, in dimensions we have yet to properly

    explore and understand.

    Best wishes,


  2. Dimensions are mutually orthogonal.

    Length is orthogonal to width, length and width are orthogonal to depth, length width and depth may be orthogonal to other spatial dimensions, but either our perception of those other dimensions is impaired or they do not exist.

    When physicists say we are in an 11 dimensional world, what they are talking about is the number of arbitrary extra dimensions they need to make their equations come out right. It is NOT proof that these dimensions actually exist, and is actually a sign of incompleteness of the theorem.

    The problems come about when people try to fit their pet conjectures onto the framework of extra dimensions, but this is pure speculation and has no basis in anything physics has shown.

  3. I don't know what a dimension is so I will critisise your spelling instead.

  4. well, there are 11 dimensions.  0 which is nothing.  the three you are familiar with, length ,width, and depth, after that it gets complicated.  the fourth is duration or time, in the fifth you would be able to see the consequences of your actions before making the choice.  in the 6th you could meet a you that made a different choice.  in the 7th you can see the timeline of a universe.  in the 8th you can see the points where things happened to create different universes.  in the 9th you can visit a different universe and the tenth is every possible timeline in every possible universe.

    soooooooo, what if a ghost is not an apparition of the dead but 9th dimensional being just out s******g around with us 4th dimensional folks?

  5. What this means in English is that a surface has, say, two dimensions, if you need two numbers to tell someone where you are on that surface. For instance, the surface of the Earth is two dimensional, because you need two numbers (usually longitude and latitude), to describe your position. A line or the circumference of a circle is one-dimensional, since you only need one number (distance along the line; angle on the circle) to define where you are. The interior area of the circle is two-dimensional, since you need both angle and radius to define your position there. You may have heard about chaos and fractal shapes. Fractal shapes are interesting because they can have non-integer dimension (hence "fractal"!). These non-integer dimensions are defined in a very complicated way somewhat different from what I have said above, but perhaps you can imagine a situation in which one number is not enough, but two is a little more than you need.

    People have been imagining that there could be more dimensions then we know, where maybe ghosts, spirits exists, maybe, the past, or the future exists, side by side, and that there might be a door to these places.  Writers write fictions on it, we all would like to imagine them, but weather they really exist or not, we have no idea so far, concrete anyways.  BUT would it not be NICE!  I mean to be able to flip into another diemension and back.  Totally futuristic I think.  Wait till the Time machine is invented, and if you haven't read "The Time Machine" by Wells, I think, do so, or watch the movie, it is interesting.

  6. An alternative universe and because theyre supposedly made completely from your imagination, you think it and it will happen in this 'other dimension' Paranormal because if its imaginary you wouldnt think it could happen really. Almost like am illusion.

  7. Well a dimension is a place.  There are 13 dimensions in all I think.  We live in a 3rd dimension.  There are different levels of consiousness.  They are the dimensions.  If you put work and effort into it you could be a multi dimensional being.    You could go to different dimensions in your consiousness.  4th dimension is time and oneness, 5th dimension is creativity and oneness, 6 is wholeness and so on.  The final dimension is full consiousness.  Its when you live up to your full potential  So people who are not multi dimensionals usually can only access the 3rd and 4th dimension.  Which isnt so good.  But when you become a multi dimensional person time is usually slower with you.  Because with each higher dimension time gets slower.  God bless.

  8. Um a dimension is a place

    Let me put it simply

    The place we live in is the Third Dimension

    If you played a Game Boy thats the Second

    Dimension and imagine a dot, the place where it sits

    thats the first Dimenson

    I guess its the way we look at it

    that makes it another dimension

    I wonder what the Fourth Dimension....

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