
What is a drill that i can do to keep my putter head strait back and strait through, all the way?

by Guest67005  |  earlier

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My putter is wobbly on the back swing. What is a way to keep it strait and not "mis hit" the ball?




  1. Yes, I get you. This problem is faced by all golfers (including the pros too, I've noticed on slow motion replays). I suppose that's why a no. of pros used broom putters, although this looks a bit silly to me.

    The main contributing factor could be the weight of the putter; it is just too heavy for us to maintain the 'one-piece' swing of the putter (i.e. with both my arms and the putter shaft as one piece movement, as opposed to using my wrists).

    I now use a lighter putter so that my takeaway backswing remains along the same swing plane as the forward swing so that my clubface is ideally squared at impact, just like a pendulum. This could considerably avoid the 'wobbly effect' you mentioned.

    My only problem is for the long putt (anything over 35 feet from the hole), when I find it difficult to judge as to how hard to hit (i.e. the strength I need to hit the ball), especially when it's uphill all the way to the hole.

  2. if you're stuck indoors, take two decent sized books or magazines and place them spine-to-spine, just slightly wider than your putterhead.  Since it's indoors, it isn't a great drill for speed, but it IS great for putter-path.  or, you can swing you club up against a wall, just don't let the head hit the wall.  either one works pretty good.

      you can do the same thing outdoors with a bunch of tees of the practice green.  just set them up like mini gates, slightly wider than your putterhead.

    Or, you can spend some money for the Perfect Path, which is just like the book/tee drill, just more expensive.

  3. sounds nasty.. i like it!

    just keep on trying to hit it.. wobbly or not!

  4. You can place 2 golf clubs side by side  lenthgtwise and give yourself a track in the middle . This will help a lot on short putts . Some say the putting stroke should travel on an arc, I think whatever you get comfortable with . You have to start somewhere , they do have a trainer that is a straight track .The side by side golf clubs will work and the price is right . GOOD LUCK .....DONT LOOK UP TOO QUICKLY !!

  5. 1. The putter should actually travel on an arc, and not straight back - straight through.

    2. Your attempts to make it stay on this artificial path is probably the cause.

    Try this drill, and you will learn to make a smooth stroke that you can trust.

    Hit putts of different lengths while looking at the hole!  Don't even allow the ball to be in your periferal (sp?) vision.

    Let me know how that works for you!

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